Monday, April 30, 2007

31c ice-cream at Baskin Robbins on Wednesday!

Wednesday is 31c scoop day at Baskin Robbins! Details at the Baskin Robbins website here!. Doublecheck for participating locations!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Who is Sneazy?

Obviously as the title says, this is the O'Sneazy Factor, so presumably that would be me, however, I am not me! Okay, that may not make much sense... So here is a simple way to explain it: Sneazy is like "Borat" and Sacha Baron Cohen. Cohen is not "Borat", and I am not "Sneazy".

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Marriage Equality moving forward!

  • Newly elected new New York governator ES supports gay marriage in the state of New York! It is unknown how the state senate will handle this as they have lots of republicans and this is the first time this comes before them
  • Meanwhile domestic partnerships in the State of Washington are signed, sealed and delivered as their Governator signed them last Saturday!


  • GLAAD awards!

    If you missed them, they are going to repeat a few more times on the gay homosexualist TV channel from CBS/Viacom called LOGO!

    The homosexuals were in full force at the GLAAD awards as they awarded and rewarded their Hollywood friends and sycophants with silver and gold. Some highlights of the event that took place in four different cities:
  • sexy (according to the male homosexualists) Jamie Bamber of Battlestar Galactica presented one of the awards (fully dressed, stop thinking about the towel scene!), along with the male date of transvestite supermodel Rebecca Romijn.
  • A faux-angry speech by the fat twink from Grey's Anatomy.
  • Short stand-up by the lovely Whoopi Goldberg and crazy-hairstyle gay comedienne and asian representative Alec Mapa.
  • A touching segment with diva Patti LaBelle and Showgirl Jennifer Hudson
  • An in-person video guest appearance by ultra-conservative pundit Stephen Colbert
  • Silliness from other celebrities, has-beens and faux-celebrities
  • A down to earth segment with Martina Navratilova who finally tried a new hairstyle
  • Giant basketballer John Amaechi was trying to sound sophisticated by using big words and long sentences while actually saying really nothing (perhaps a career in politics?)
  • some of the awards seemed to have been given for political or other reasons, rather than the most deserving, but that's only my opinion. After all as a conservative 100% heterosexual (in between gay sex sessions), I can't possibly understand how they think ;-)
  • Ugly Betty won one of the awards, with a number of the cast members being on hand to receive it!
  • Rosie O'Fat won the award for best documentary (remember me talking about the political motivations behind the award choices?) for the HBO special of her family boat trip/cruise. Rosie being typical Rosie was obnoxious the whole time, almost pulling the arm of her producer out of its socket while pronouncing her "heterosexual" :-) This of course makes straight men uncomfortable because they feel uncomfortable when they see a woman be obnoxious like that. When a straight man does it, they all praise him and say "he tells it like it is", "he's keepin it real", "he speaks his mind". But if a non-straight male dares to do that, then they are loud, obnoxious, crazy, inappropriate, etc, etc.
  • Others appearing were Ben Afleck (Aflac?) talking about his "marriage" with Matt Damon, and Jennifer Anniston closing the show with a "who's praising me now" segment.


  • Potentially Habitable Planet found!

    Woohoo! Potentially planetable habit found!. I mean, potentially habitable planet!

    As a conservative pundit, I would be very happy if all the gays decided to move there and call it Planet Faboo :-)


    Saturday, April 21, 2007

    New Word Candidate: Feetish

    Feetish = A new word to describe the whole family of foot-related fetishes.


    Dating Advice!

    Hot people are typically a**holes! So give the Uglies a chance!


    Joke of the Day!

    Soccer reminds me of my dates: 90 minutes and scoreless :-)

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    Thursday, April 19, 2007

    Can't think of a title

    I will concede this, the earth is not flat, the earth is round. But that's as far as I am willing to go. Please don't give me any of that pseudo-scientific caballistic BS that the earth rotates around its axis and orbits the sun. That's just hogwash the secular progressives want you to believe! The truth is out there friends. The earth is fixed! The earth levitates motionlessly in the air! Believe it! If Sharper Image can make a levitating globe, then you bet an Intelligent Design of the Earth can do that too. Not convinced? Check all the scientific proof that stands the test of rigorous science at

    Civil unions in New Hampshire are a step closer after their governator said he would sign the bill.

    In Arts & Farts news, making your art atmospheric significantly increases the value of your art work. So lesson learned for all artists out there: make it atmospheric!

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    Monday, April 16, 2007

    Colbert Report and Daily Show viewers among knowledgeable!

    According to a Pew survey, viewers of the Daily Show and Colbert Report were the most knowledgeable on national affairs. Surpringly they were ahead even of PBS and Jim Lehrer's news hour viewers.

    No surprise really was Fox News viewers finishing second to last. Fox News viewers only finished ahead of morning show viewers.

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    Saturday, April 14, 2007

    Yummy dairy-free ice-creams!!!

    So Delicious Dairy Free is so yummy! I want I want! [V]. Try them!!! The orange bars are so yummy and only 80 calories each! Great, healthy and ideal for those on a diet or have a calorie intake limit! I want i want! [V].

    Thursday, April 12, 2007

    Hottest DVDs at the moment!

  • Firefly dvd set special sale $20 at Amazon
  • Planet Earth, the complete BBC series.

  • Free Ben and Jerry's on April 17!

    Thanks to Mr x_Gia_x for this wonderfully delicious tip! Ben and Jerry's is having a free ice-cream day on April 17. For details and participating locations, please visit their website

    Wednesday, April 11, 2007

    And we are back!

    After a big long hiatus, we are baaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!

    More silliness to follow. Suggestions for stories, please feel free to make at any time...

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