Thursday, April 19, 2007

Can't think of a title

I will concede this, the earth is not flat, the earth is round. But that's as far as I am willing to go. Please don't give me any of that pseudo-scientific caballistic BS that the earth rotates around its axis and orbits the sun. That's just hogwash the secular progressives want you to believe! The truth is out there friends. The earth is fixed! The earth levitates motionlessly in the air! Believe it! If Sharper Image can make a levitating globe, then you bet an Intelligent Design of the Earth can do that too. Not convinced? Check all the scientific proof that stands the test of rigorous science at

Civil unions in New Hampshire are a step closer after their governator said he would sign the bill.

In Arts & Farts news, making your art atmospheric significantly increases the value of your art work. So lesson learned for all artists out there: make it atmospheric!

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