Monday, November 06, 2006

Election Special Report!

Predictions for the 2006 erection:

  • House: Democrats gain 26. They need 15 to get the majority
  • Senate: Demograts gain 4. They need 6 to get the majority.
  • Governators: Democrats gain 6. They need to get the "majority".

    Major homophobe (and probably super-deep closet case) Rick Santorum is finally going to be voted out of office. He has been unable to poll anywhere about 40% with consistency and the strategy to put a very dry and vanilla opponent (but with recognizable name in the state) against him proved to be a genius one. Remember Santorum equated same-sex relationships to man-dog sex. Need I say more?

    A big shoutout to the new hero of the gay, Mike Jones! Mike who? :-)

    There is a strong possibility that some of the gay marriage ban initiatives may fail and that the Colorado domestic partner referendum may pass. Unless of course the Haggard scandal causes the evangelical/religious-extremists to "avenge" the outing of their lovely SUPER-BIGOT-LIAR-HYPOCRITE (Ted Haggard) by voting against both gay measures. Needless to say the Ted Haggard scandal may be a watershed moment that turns the tide against same-sex-marriage bans in the mind of the "average Joe with average IQ". But more on that after the election.

    Also of interest in South Dakota is an attempt to reverse the restrictive abortion laws in order to avoid a showdown at the Supreme Court. And a couple of recreational marjuana measures just for fun!

    More coming soon(er) or later ;-)

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