Friday, August 11, 2006

Galactica News: RDM interview at Scifi Pulse

A new interview with RDM has been posted at

A shorter version can be found at TrekWeb:

He talks about some hot topics:
  • Plans for Season 3 - no major spoilers
  • Killing Kirk
  • Absence of gay characters and homosexuality in BSG
  • the new prequel show Caprica
  • 28% drop in ratings through Season 2
  • leaked scripts

    BSG fans be sure to check your local listings: A new one-hour recap of the series so far will be shown on the various NBC/Universal television properties, beginning with NBC at 10pm this Sunday night. Check local listings at Yahoo.

    And coming up in September, a 10-part web-series will debut on the web, at Pulse (SciFi's broadband channel). Season 3 is expected to debut the first Friday of October (with Doctor Who Season 2 starting the week before). The DVDs for the 2nd half of Season 2 will be released before then.

    And this concluses the BSG edition of this blog ;-)

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