Sunday, October 30, 2005

Gays in professional sports and Stephen A Smith

Following the brave coming out of Sheryl Swoopes, controversial and loud ESPN sports personality Stephen A Smith had a special feature on gay/lesbian people in sports on his show "Quite Frankly".

Among others, the show featured two former NFL players who came out after their playing days were long over. One was a Jesus-freak, the other had pent-up anger issues.

The show also featured one of those fruitcake "priests" who believe in "hate the sin, love the sinner", based on the premise of "homosexuality is a sin". He mentioned Leviticus but had no answer when he was told that according to Leviticus you are also supposed to sell your children and other humans as slaves. The fruitcake also made sure he mentioned he was straight and enjoyed "the bride" (he meant p*ssy, but it wouldn't be proper to use that word). Bigoted fruitcake!

Judging from his comments, Stephen A Smith is not really familiar with gay/lesbian people or issues, but he was very supportive of LGBT people and athletes in being treated fairly and equally. He also called out the "fruitcake priest" on his bigotry.

One thing that Stephan A Smith had issues with was the fact that Sheryl's lover was actually her former (assistant) coach, which he thought was inappropriate (similar to a manager dating one of his assistants).

The other issue that came up was comparing the civil rights struggle of black people in the 60s and gay people.

Overall this was a very gay-positive show. What makes it even more important is that Stephen A Smith is one of the hottest commodities among sports writers, and quite popular with the younger generations.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Rare shopping deal: Amazon coupon

Amazon advertises on its site a 5% off coupon for select electronics categories for savings up to $100. The coupon code is in the description of those items. Just visit for details! And send me some gifts :-)

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Go Sheryl! Go Sheryl! Go Sheryl!

The MVP of the WNBA is gay! This shocking revelation rocked the straight world! A lesbian athlete? Wow what a shocker! Sheryl Swoopes is gay! Hooray!

She was the MVP of the WNBA. Now she is the MVP of LGBTQII athletes!

Meet Sheryl Swoopes

You can read her exclusive interview with ESPN Magazine at your local newstand. (Or even buy the magazine if you are not cheap like me).

She is also scheduled to appear tomorrow at 5am-7am Pacific time on ESPN2's Cold Pizza. Set your VCRs and video recorders!!! This is a great moment in gay history!

Funny or not?

Funny or not? People in business suits bending over to pick up nickle dimers from the ground.

Shocking Revelation: Iman is a man!

How do we know this? Simple...

Let's look at the name Iman. Let's break it down... I + man = Iman!

So Bowie wasn't a traitor after all ;-0)

I have a great idea for a talk show!

Let's get Martha Stewart and Richard Simmons together on a talk show! Brilliant! ;-)

Monday, October 24, 2005

DVD media deals: TDK

  • 25pk TDK DVD+R or DVD-R $7.50 @ Circuit city
  • 50pk TDK DVD+R or DVD-R $20 @ Walgreens

  • How much is this silly blog worth?

    The factor would like to thank e/saurus for providing the link.

    So, how much is this blog worth? The answer is:

    My blog is worth $564.54.
    How much is your blog worth?

    Who wants to buy? :-)

    Word Verification is getting annoying

    Dear Blogger,

    Word verification is wonderful in blocking spam posters, but it is also becoming very annoying when you have to do it for every single post! I am in the middle of a brain dump (aka verbal diarrhea) and slowing down to enter the silly Word Verification text is limiting and slowing down my creative juices! Fix it por favor!

    Music Industry: ...Cake and eat it too?

    Dear Music Industry,

    You have to come clean. While you have good reasons to complain about piracy, your greed is not helping matters.

    When you sell a music CD, do you expect the buyer not to make any physical or digital copies? Fine, if you want that not to happen, then you should have a free rush delivery service that replaces broken or scratched CDs, and promptly upload the CDs to a buyer's mp3 players and computers. Obviously you will never do any of that...

    So the buyers have to protect their purchases by making backup copies (since the music industry won't replace broken or scratched CDs for free), and upload the music to their computers and mp3 players (since the music industry won't do that either).

    Or perhaps you are so greedy that you expect a buyer to buy three copies of the same CD so they can play it in their home, car and office?

    TV: TransGeneration on Sundance

    Exploring the world of four transgendered college students at four different colleges, TransGeneration jumps on the reality tv bandwagon for a good cause: To shed some light into the world of transgendered people. This is probably the closest thing to "quality reality" television. The 30-minute episodes air multiple times on the Sundance channel (produced with Logo), and the whole series is also available OnDemand if you want to watch from the beginning. The Factor recommends this!

    Music News: Ricky Martin attempting a comeback

    I just recently saw a new music video featuring a more "thuggy" looking Ricky Martin. A comeback? Is that possible? I bet Mariah's miraculous comeback is inspiring all the formerly popular artists to try again (a nicer way of saying "has-beens").

    Brokerage News: M&A galore

    Pending approval, Ameritrade will become TD Ameritrade after digesting TD Waterhouse (US edition), while eTrade will be digesting JP Morgan Chase Manhattan First USA Bank One's Brown & Co. At this rate of M&A activity, there won't be many discount brokers left, and that probably means the fees of discount brokers will be almost as high as Merrill, Fidelity and Schwab. Ouch!

    Coffee News: Peet's Holiday Blend

    This year's (highly anticipated among Peetniks) Peet's Holiday Blend coffee will feature dark chocolate and caramel overtones with hints of warm spice. As you may remember, Peets is the official coffee of this blog ;-)

    Saturday, October 22, 2005

    The Return of the Blog!

    Yes, after 12 days of snoozing, the "factor" is back! As always, ideas for new topics along with comments are always welcome.

    Some of the exciting things coming up in this blog:
  • Proof of the String Theory (aka Theory of Everything), along with an exclusive picture from (!) the 11th Dimension
  • How to turn silver into gold
  • A one-on-one interview with Big Foot
  • A slide show with exclusive pictures of the Loch Ness monster
  • and a lot more!

  • TV: Noah's Arc debuts on Logo!

    Noah's Arc, the first scripted gay TV series (outside HBO/Showtime) debuted this week on Logo. The episodes repeat multiple times so check local listings to catch it in case you missed it. What's even more shocking (in a good way) is that it has 0% caucasian characters. Typically LGBT movies feature caucasian-only characters, and if that's all you knew about LGBT people, you would think that they are all caucasian. This is definately a brave and bold step for Logo! They should be applauded for that!

    As far as the show itself, it is too early to tell how good it is going to be. Episode #1 had some hints of QAF, but it also had promise for something more serious. Keep in mind this is a show intended for adults.

    First run is Wednesday at 10pm with multiple repeats each week. Check local listings!

    PS> No, this is not turning into a TV blog, not yet...

    TV: Angels in America debut

    The critically acclaimed "Angels in America" makes its debut tonight on Logo (Logo is the new gay-themed digital cable channel masterminded by MTV/Viacom/CBS). Starts at 10pm and goes all the way to 5am. Yes, they will show the entire thing! (with commercials of course)

    TV: new season of South Park!

    The 9th season of South Park debuted on Wednesday. But don't worry if you missed it. It repeats almost daily on Comedy Central. Check local listings!

    eBay news: the IT campaign

    eBay's new marketing campaign centers around "IT". Yes it's a simple and silly thing but I bet they paid thousands of dollars to the marketing firm to come up with this. I could have done the same thing for just $10,000. Are you listening eBay? :-)

    Erection Day: November 8

    Don't forget November 8 is erection day. Make sure you exorcise your rites on that day ;-)

    Monday, October 10, 2005


    In just 70 minutes it will be 10:10pm on 10/10. Only happens on 10/10 of each year ;-)

    Sunday, October 09, 2005

    Bill of Rights - the irony of it all

    Monday is postal holiday!

    A reminder to all eBay'ers out there: Monday is a Postal Holiday (Columbus Day)

    Coming Soon: National Coming Out Day!

    Tuesday October 11 is National Coming Out day!
    Make sure you come out to someone on that day - even if you are not gay ;-)

    Saturday, October 08, 2005

    Educational DVD of the month

    The winner of this inaugural award is ... "The Elegant Universe", which explains string theory and its eleven (!) dimensions in a very simple yet ...elegant manner.

    You can get it from these sources:
  • borrow the DVD/VHS from your library
  • watch it on your local PBS station (in three parts)
  • buy it new or used
  • borrow it from a friend or foe

  • The Weekly Sneazy Top Three

    In this week's edition of the Sneazy Top Three, we feature music videos instead of albums:

  • Avenged sevenfold, "Bat country" - be careful, very catchy/addictive song
  • Franz Ferdinard, "do you want to"
  • White Stripes, "doorbell"

  • Website of the week:

    How can a website with such a catchy name not get the website of the week award? Impossible not to.

    And in case you are wondering, what exactly is mannequinism?

    Friday, October 07, 2005

    Is this why they call them pigs?

    Trigger happy cops shoot hostage SEVERAL times

    Or perhaps this?

    Even Judges watch porn on the job!

    "Robertson told the commission he spent countless hours as an elder of his church and had spread himself too thin between his judicial work and his church obligations. He has since left his position at the church. He told the panel that adult Web sites provided a diversion over nine months. A county computer technician discovered the viewing and reported it."

    Porn on the Job, J.D.

    Monday, October 03, 2005

    Addictive song of the month

    The award for "Addictive song of the month" goes to .... "Bat country" by Avenged Sevenfold (whoever they are).

    Sunday, October 02, 2005

    Quick and easy guide for TV fans

    This quick and easy text-based guide is great for TV fans wanting to keep track of episodes of their favorite TV series, past, present and future.

    Oh the url?

    Saturday, October 01, 2005

    We inhale farts every second - and we have to!

    The farts of trees and plants that is. Plants produce waste and expell it during photosynthesis. One of their waste products is a gas: Oxygen. Thus we inhale the farts of trees and plants :-)

    Taxing Internet Purchases!

    Greedy politicians incapable of doing their jobs and keeping their budgets balanced, find a quick and easy solution: TAX Internet Sales!,,SB112804300283656392-6LwpPYtGyOrRYO49e95Ob8bIgTY_20060930,00.html?mod=blogs

    18 states so far, with a one-year amnesty. Ouch!

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