Sunday, June 05, 2005

Single Line Movie Reviews!

This is a new segment here at the Factor.

As you know (or should know) June is gay pride month. Both PBS and IFC/Sundance show a large number of LGTBQQI themed documentaries and movies. Check local listings for details.

Here are some "Single Line Reviews" for some movies that the Factor is rating at least B+:

  • Underrated lesbian movie --> "Go fish"
  • Dramatic religious oppresion movie/documentary --> "Trembling before G-d"
  • Great atmospheric movie --> "East palace west palace"
  • Funny/silly gay comedie ---> "it's in the water"
  • Funny/silly gay comedie ---> "butch camp"
  • Very atmospheric, not gay, but the first 20 minutes or so have some gay undertones (I won't spoil it with the details) ----> "a taste of cherry"
  • More coming soon as we go through the Factor ...archives

    More details can be found at and elsewhere.

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