Friday, June 03, 2005

Peets coffee in New York Times!

Thanks to V1 for the link and the story!

New York Times Story: Peets -vs- Starfucks

An extract from the story
"The passion for Peet's extends to Ruth Reichl, the editor in chief of Gourmet magazine. "You only had to taste it once to see that, 'Oh, this is coffee,' " said Ms. Reichl, who grew up in Berkeley but now lives in New York. Her old friends, she said, still bring her bags of Peet's whenever they visit from California."

This is quite revealing
"While Peet's has accelerated the opening of its retail stores, the company's business is built around selling beans, not drinks. Sales of whole beans account for 45 percent of Peet's retail revenue, compared with 5 percent at Starbucks."

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