Thursday, March 31, 2005

Rules of Bottoming

The Rules of Bottoming - (in no particular order)

In case you and your date cannot decide on who is the bottom, here are some simple rules to help you reach a decision:

Different ways to use these rules
1. Each bullet gets one point. The winner is the one with the most points. Use a coin-toss in case of a tie.
2. Assign different weights to each of the above and add up the points. You can chose different tie-breakers in case of a tie.
3. A more complicated but more accurate formula: the weight of each bullet is adjusted depending on how close the numbers are within the category. Determining the weights and range of values for this is a little bit more complicated. But PhD students will find it entertaining ;-)

Educational material: Racial Slurs

Heard a racial slur you are not sure what it means? Or not sure where it came from?
These two websites attempt to explain:

Blogger technical problems!

Ooooh so many technical problems, and I have so much stuff to post!
Please fix them problems!

New Joke!

There are many ways to skin a cat! How many of them are approved by PETA?

South Park in rare form!

Last night's South Park was in rare form. They managed to combine so many hot topics and interweave them into a coherent plot: Euthanasia, Sony PSP, LOTR, Matrix, and many more!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Coffee reviews!

A great site with detailed coffee reviews,!
Not as detailed as dpreview, but it's coffee :-)

Personal Segment

Some of the readers have requested more personal information, so here it is:

I have a "Master of the Obvious" degree from the "Dumb and Dumber Community College" ;-)

HP snaps ...Snapfish!

I couldn't resist! HP snaps ...Snapfish!
It looks like it's now trendy for every company to buy some sort of a photo website! Yahoo recently got Flicker, Google/Picasa, and on and on...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Fotki premium just $25 for a year!

Special offer that ends in 3 days on You can get a premium account with unlimited storage and the ability to sell your picutres to the unwashed masses at a premium. This sounds like a great deal! Smugmug and Shutterfly have similar pro accounts but they start at $100/year!

Monday, March 28, 2005

Food News: Virginia Peanuts are back!

Virginia Peanuts are back at Trader Joe! This time they are a little bit more expensive: $1.29 for a 12oz bag. Roasted and salted in da shell! I forgot to their pics before i ate them ;-)

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Evangelical Asians - article in progress!

This was the cover story of the print edition of the San Jose Mercury News. The article appears to be online as well but may require registration.

More soon!

Friday, March 25, 2005

Writer's Block Revisited!

Out of things to write about!
Suggestions are welcome!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

TiVo is essentially a VCR for those who can't program a VCR!

If you take the bells and whistles out, TiVo is essentially a VCR for those who can't program a VCR!
That's about it! You can argue for hours and hours, but if you can't program a VCR, well, welcome to Mensa :-)

For those who can't program a VCR, this guy makes a case why you need TiVo, and shalemessly promotes his book:

Remember, TiVo is for those who can't program a VCR!
And if you can't program a VCR, you are not allowed to date me!!!

Woohoo Qualified for A9 discount!

I just qualified for the A9 discount on Amazon! That's an amazing (Pi/2)% discount of just about everything Amazon sells! Shopping spree!!!!!! If you want anything, I can buy it for you :-) I am so generous today ;-)

Equality Forum advertises on ESPN!

I don't know if this was a national TV ad or local TV ad: EqualityForum advertised the annual (40th) gay and lesbian equality conference in Philly later this year. This was during basketball by the way. Not during cheerleading competition or gymnastics or swimming ;-)

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Selling your CDs quickly! - in progress

If you are not excited by the prospect of selling your CDs one by one on eBay or or Yahoo or Amazon auctions, you can just sell them as a batch at websites that specialize on this.

Some of them will send you prepaid postage mailers/envelopes or give you a postage credit if you sell 3 or more. I am looking into this to get rid of some of my old CDs. I will be adding websites to the list below! It definately pays to shop around. For example, you can get $0 to $5 for the Crystal Method CD "Vegas" from the sites below.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

SciFi News: Star Wars on TV! reports that someone reports that Star Wars may live on TV as perhaps live-action or animation as well

Speaking of SciFi, can they please stop showing all those crappy horror movies and concentrate on "real" SciFi/Fantasy content?

ING Direct now up to 2.8%

Thanks to Heycutie for the scoop! ING Direct is now at 2.8%! Woohoo!
That means that for every $100 you have there, you make an extra 20c per year!

Does this Target model look familiar?

Yes, he was the Manhunt Judge Jury and Executioner!

Does this Target Super Model look familiar?

Yes on multiple counts! He was one of the Judges in Bravo's reality/eye-candy series "Manhunt!"

Monday, March 21, 2005

Reference site: BSG Ratings site!

eBay 1c Subtitle sale (Tue and Wedn)

Two days only - all day Tuesday and Wednesday Pacific time!

You can "adopt" this guy on eBay!

The Item Description included lots of Drama! Is he gay? :-)

The Pope's "hat", Doritos and eBay!

and the accompanying eBay auction:

Only on eBay!

Gay SciFi and Awards!

LGBTQII-friendly/positive Scifi/Fantasy/Horror books List:

and who can resist Gay Star Trek?

Crazy things on eBay!

You can find some of them here:

The latest crazy thing on eBay!

I can understand the tax return in an envelope auctions, but what is this???

If somoene knows please enlighten me!

Yet another new sexy digital camera!

This is not a digital camera blog! This is not a digital camera blog! This is not a digital camera blog!
This is not a digital camera blog! This is not a digital camera blog! This is not a digital camera blog!
This is not a digital camera blog! This is not a digital camera blog! This is not a digital camera blog!
This is not a digital camera blog! This is not a digital camera blog! This is not a digital camera blog!
This is not a digital camera blog! This is not a digital camera blog! This is not a digital camera blog!

Just found out: John Peel is dead!

I am a bit behind the times...
I just found out that John Peel is died late last year :-(

Sunday, March 20, 2005

The Hobbits are for real?

From the The ScifiDaily blog:

National Geographic and Hobbits?

100 hour Chat Rehab!

For those who were wondering where I disappeared, I have been in "Chat Rehab"! It was successful as I managed to stay away for an amazing 100 hours!

To make up for lost time I'll be in chat for the next 100 hours non-stop ;-)

Bargains special: OfficeMax 15% paper bag!

The 15% off anything you can fit in the paper bag special is back at OfficeMax. This of course excludes some expensive items like digital cameras, PDAs, etc, but works for most of the other "mundane" stuff. The paper bag was in my Sunday paper (SJ Mercury News), among the other retailer inserts. It's good for a whole week this time! Maybe I should sell the bag on eBay this time ;-)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Polls deemed "adult material" and no longer working!

Apparently decided that my polls were too "adult" for them so they deleted them. Or perhaps some crazy fundie complained? Who knows!

It looks like this "innocent" poll may have been considered "adult content":

This also coincided with a blog visitor from Virginia who found that blog post through a Yahoo search. Coincidence? Who knows...

Factor Rating on AVOID; Do not use even though it's free!

Don't forget SciFi Friday!

Tomorrow (FRiday): The first of two parts of the season finale for both Stargates, as well as episode #11 for the critically-acclaimed Battlestar Galactica!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

If you have a Bed & Breakfast....

... you can gets Peet's coffee at a great discount:

Dollars and Non-Sense

News on the latest and upcoming 401k and Roth IRA changes:

Monday, March 14, 2005

The R-Word coming soon!

If you liked the L-Word on Showtime, you will love the new show, The R-Word!
The show explores the sticky lifestyle in LA but also has a token stereotypical PQ:RQ couple, as well as a couple of straight female fag-hugs. M-Cho guest appearance would be great!

We are looking for actors for the stereotypical PQ:RQ couple. GWM with white hair who look over 60yo, and GAM who look early 20s are needed to play the PQ:RQ couple!

Personal Segment Story

The hairstylist told me that I look handsing after the haircut, and right before I was about to pay and tip her. Was she hitting on me? ;-)

Cartoon of the week!


SciFi News: LOTR may get its prequel!

Everybody gets a prequels, and LOTR may get one too! The movie on the prequel - "The Hobbit" is 3-4 years away:

Hello Kitty pink camera!

This is a must have!

More details:

FTC hammers CompUSA on Rebates!

Rebates may never be the same again:
The details:

Saturday, March 12, 2005

mini-Ice-Cream review: Ben &Jerry Chocolate Therapy

A very clear name to start with, this is a very intense ice-cream for those who like blends of chocolate.

Factor rating: B++
Recommendation: Strong buy at $2.50 or less

Shutterfly Pro Galleries!

You can sell prints of your pictures through Shutterfly Pro Galleries! This is a convinient feature as you don't have to deal with printing and mailing and payments! Shutterfly takes care of that. But they do charge! There is an annual fee of at least $100/year for hosting. They also take a 15% commission on all sales and the discounted cost of the printing.

If you are attacked by this creature...

This is a scary creature! It has two eyes! One is a camcorder, the other one is a digital camera. Samsung is creative for sure!

Disecting Blogs and Bloggers!

Great Personal Finance blog!

Great Personal Finance blog! ---> PF Blog

Friday, March 11, 2005

Scorpius and StarWars!

Scorpius [the actor that is] is in Star Wars III

SciFi Friday reminder!

Today's Stargate SG1 is going to be 90 minutes instead of the typical 60 minutes. So everything that follows will start 30 minutes later (Atlantis and BSG). Check local listings!!!

99 things to say to someone who is depressed!

99 things to say to someone who is depressed! ;-) ;-)

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Don't forget to exercise...

Don't forget to exercise... your search engine in order to qualify for the PI/2 % discount on Amazon!

SciFi News: Fan-produced Star Trek!

You can still get your Star Trek fix by downloading episodes of the fan-produced Star Trek series:

Star Trek Writers: The Next Generation!

A new writer is taking over the new in-the-works Star Trek movie

Special bonus for our dear readers!

Free Gmail invites are available for all the readers of this blog!
Limited Time Offer!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Yes, a 7 megapixel cellphone!

As dpreview reports, Samsung is now making a 7-megapixel cellphone!

You can make big bucks if...

You can make big bucks if the right-wing uses your same-sex marriage pictures without your permission

Flashback: Does this ring a bell?

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Endangered Species on sale!

Endangered Species Chocolates on sale at Whole Foods, just $1.79!

Credit card with 3% cashback on restaurants!

Thank to N for mentioning this: Chase is/was offering a credit-card with 3% cash-back bonus on Restaurant purchases. This is great for people who eat out a lot or travel a lot and pay for meals. The credit card is not listed on the Chase website, so if you interested you may want to call Chase and ask them how to get it or change your existing Chase card to a Chase Profit one!

eBay Listing upgrade specials!

For two days only, Wedn and Thur [pacific time] eBay is offering a 50% discount on Listing Upgrades! Check their site for complete details!

Monday, March 07, 2005

eBay news: system is a bit flaky now! [n/t]

Benny Hill is still funny!

Not to be confused with the scandalous televangelist mentioned in the previous post, Benny Hill, the legendary british comedian is still funny. And now you can watch him regularly on BBC-America!

Benny Hinn Exposed [again]

Scandalous greedy fraud aka Televangelist Superstar Benny Hinn was exposed yet again in Sunday's Dateline on NBC. A regular shopper at Versace, Louis Vuitton and bijan, he also performs countless miracles that have never been verified by a doctor and "helps needy children" by spending $3000+ per night at the most expensive luxury hotels.

Conviniently Benny Hinn claimed that "the Lord" told him not to talk to NBC. Did "the Lord" also tell him to buy an $80,000 convertible Mercedes-Benz and a similarly-priced SUV? I hope the IRS investigates this CROOK and sends him behind bars!

Dateline failed to test the IQ and EQ of the average "believer" that attends the Benny Hinn Crusades, and watches his television shows and gives him their money.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Don't forget to exercise your A9!

If you want to qualify for the A9 discount on (which is PI/2 % == 1.57%), you have to "exercise" your A9 search engine while logged in at least once a week!

Great idea: Flashlight runs on either AA, C or D!

Energizer has a new Quick Switch flashlight that runs on either 2 AA, 2 C or 2 D batteries. Your choice! Just flip a switch! This is a brilliant idea! You can use whatever batteries you have around when you need a flashlights!

Factor Rating: A+

Wanna be an In-Action hero?

This is part of the Degree anti-p/deodorant ad campaign but the In-Action Heroes have apparently built up a following as they are now available for pre-orders!

Urban Barbarians: Spitting in public!

I can't believe how many people do this in public! This is so gross and unsanitary! They just casually spit in public on the pavement, on the sidewalks, just about anywhere outdoors. Not only that, but most of their spits are phlegm-spits, which is even more unsanitary and exposes the public to whatever crap they have inside them. Who wants to wait in line outside a restaurant only to notice someone's green/yellow/white phlegm sitting on a nice green leaf two feet away? GROSS! How hard is it to use a paper tissue or a napkin or something like that and throw it in a trash-can? How difficult is that? Barbarians!!! And what's even worse some of these people would complain if someone farts or burbs!

SciFi News: iPod commentary for BSG!

BSG is providing commentary by Ron Moore in MP3 format that has been synched to the start of the show. You can download it from the website for free.

To make this sound more splashy they have added iPod support so you can sync/listen to it from your iPod! This is clearly a marketing move.

Just downloading the MP3s to your computer is the common-sense practical thing to do :)

Coming Soon: Digital Camera Buying Process

By popular request, the long promised "Digital Camera Buying Process" in being worked on and will be published soon!

Chef in Space!

Isaac Hayes, the singer and voice of Chef in South Park had a role in the last two episodes of Stargate SG-1 as a Jaffa leader. Thus, Chef in Space!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Food Talk: A 6-incher for just $2.49

Subway has daily specials on 6-inch subs for just $2.49! There is one special every day of the week! This is a great deal especially if a 6" sub is good enough for a meal!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

A Poem by Hoinam!

This is a poem contributed to this blog from an emerging artist:

«hoainam» A BIG BROWN
«hoainam» SIT ON A COUCH

Poem of the week: Rolling Hills!

Poem of the week!

Rolling Hills
Rolling hills before spring
smooth, no grass, no trees
Rolling hills
and a canyon runs through
Rolling hills caressed by the Sun
gently touched by long rays of light
Rolling hills waiting for spring
waiting for the canyon to overflow with glee
Rolling hills - a pleasant hike to the top
and a quick roll to the bottom
rolling hills waiting for spring...

PS> This poem was inspired by online user "hoainam"

Yahoo Birthday party: a disaster!

The Yahoo birthday party celebrated by thousands of their fans/users/shareholders across the nation turned into a disaster because Yahoo allocated just 300 free birthday ice-creams per Baskin Robbins store. Needless to say the stores were out of ice-creams, and they were refusing the people who went there to "celebrate" the Yahoo birthday. Yet another example of bad execution backfiring on a clever idea! Will they ever learn?

You made your own Tomato!

If one is not listening closely to the song, one may think that Michael Stipe is saying that in song #4 "Make it okay" from the REM Album "Around the Sun". He is actually saying "You made your ultimatum" or something similar :)

Your Craigslist ad in SPACE!

Space, the Final Frontier...
and your Craigslist ad may end up in SPACE:

Broadband Special: SBC/Yahoo DSL $20/mo

Thanks to high-tech expert Gatdakei for mentioning this!
SBC/Yahoo DSL has a $20/mo 12-month contract promo for dynamic IP Express DSL. More details on their site. This looks like a really good deal if the contract is not a big deal for you. Also includes unlimited dial-up with the package..

Coming Soon: Another Hot Thug story

The "Hot Thug" story (a spoof/parody on a story) has been the most popular item on this blog. Because of popular demand, I am feverishly working on a Second Story in the Hot Thug series. Expect this to be published in the Fall of 2007 if all goes well and my editor is happy. .

Broadband Special: 6 months Comcast at $20/mo

At, you can get 6 months of Comcast Internet cable for $20/mo. The caveats: the rate is good for current Comcast Cable TV customers and assumes you have a compatible DSL modem. If you don't have a modem, you rent one from them for $3/mo or buy one from them for $139(!). There maybe a $50 rebate from Dell as well, but the information on the Dell site about the rebate is a bit sketchy. After the first 6 months the prices baloon to regular prices...

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Free Gmail invites for all readers!

Readers of this lovely blog get a great bonus! A Gmail invitation! Ask for yours now ;-)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

This week's poem

As a blogger I am contractually obligated to post at least one poem per week. This week's poem is about love!

Love Poem #2
The sunshine in your eyes... a reflection of your soul
The clouds in your eyes...
... are distant shadows of our love
The tears in your eyes...
... are because you are peeling onions.

Shopping news: Amazon promo certificates!

Buying $500 to $999 in electronics from Amazon on gets you a $50 promo certificitae by e-mail.
$1000+ in electronics will get you a $100 promo certificate from Amazon by e-mail.
Check the Amazon Electronics store for details! This is like a 10% off in a best-case scenario, and 5% in worse case scenario. Not bad if you like to buy electronics from Amazon!

Dollars and NonSense: ING Direct now 2.6%

The APR for the world-famous ING Direct Orange Savings account has jumped from 2.35% to 2.6%! Yeeehaaaa!

eBay special on Wednesday: Listing fee sale!

All day Wednesday (Pacific time), 50% of FixedPrice Listings and free BuyItNow on Auction-style listings! SELL YOUR CRAP :-)

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