Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Editorial: Underlying racism in "Not into" lines

Here at the Factor our editorials tackle some of the hottest issues around. This is the first of many editorials. The spit stops here!

Today's topic: Underlying racism in "Not into" lines. You've seen them in profiles, in personals, in blogs, on web sites, in newspapers. They are everywhere. And there is underlying racism behind those. Racism is a continuum, and while this may not be a severe case, it still is underlying racism. Why? Here's why:

The Proof
Keep in mind that human relations are a continuum. Let's start wtih a person who claims that he is not into people from "race X", but he is not a racist. So if that person is not a racist, he could or may have friends from "race X", which means that he may go to lunch/dinner with them, go to movies together, play sports, kiss them on birthdays, holidays and other assorted events, swim together, go shopping, hug them in times of trouble or times of joy, visit each other's homes, and on and on. It just happens that most of the above activities are also common dating activities. So if he has no problem with those activities as a friend, why would there be a problem with those activities within the context of a date? So now that we have that out of the way, how about sex? Well, we've already covered in this paragraph hugging, and kissing and being nude around each other [swimming], so sex is just around the corner. So if someone is indeed not a racist, and even claims they have friends from "race X", why would he/she go out of his way to mention that he is not into anyone from "race X"?

Footnote #1: "Race X" could be any race or a combination of races

For a guy that slings around terms like rice-queens etc on there is an irony in this post.

Not to mention that you may as well brand someone a racist or bigot if they have ANYONE they would be friends with and not date or have sex with .... Fat guys ... bald guys ... toothless guys .... geeze!
It would be a surprise if Anonymous comments actually made any sense :-)
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