Monday, January 31, 2005

Where in the world is.... William Hung?

You secretly like William Hung. You know it. You secretly admire him. You wish you were in his shoes. Admit it!
What has he been up to? Find out!

o/~ She Bang She Bang o/~

The rumors are completely unfounded!

There are some rumors that I am using Max Factor products and I have been called "Max Factor" on occasion. Let me tell you, the rumors are completely unfounded. I am not using Max Factor products!

And I am definately not wearing this right now:

Free Software of the Week

Well if it's free, it doesn't have to be super good ;-)
Picasa2 from Google

However, as of this moment, the sister software "Hello" that lets you post pictures directly to is broken! I'm guessing they'll fit it eventually...

Software Editorial

In typical fashion Microsoft purchased someone else's Spyware and it is renaming it to MS Anti-Spyware. I would not be surprised if the program finds most of the Windows OS as suspect spy-ware :P

Words of wisdom

Love is a maelstrom of sacrifices!

Bitter Poem

Bitter Poem
You had me at hello
I lost you at goodbye

Business news: Lots of M&A action

First, SBC buys "back" Ma'Bell

Then, MetLife buys Travellers from ShittyGroup

Both transactions valued above $10 billion!!!

Who wants to buy my blog? Currently available for just $1.4 billion ;-)

A Blogger Tutorial

A very basic Blogger on how to get started: Tutorial

Rave Reviews for my Blog!

My Blog has received rave reviews and critical acclaim! Here's a few:

USA Today said "It's almost as fun as reading the Yellow Pages for the 2nd time in a row".
NY Times proclaims: "Watching paint dry is almost as exciting as this blog"
The Economist says "Very fast paced. Puts the 10K Snail Race to shame"
People Magazine says "After reading this blog cover to cover counting blue cars have never been more fun"
Wired says "This masterpiece is close to surpassing Gigli"

nice tiny mp3 player!

This is such a cool mp3 player! Just look at the features and reviews. Just $118. Thanks to "Secret_User_Name" aka 3ph3MeraLMix for letting me know about this one!

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Nice Conversion tool

Handy site to convert from:

new country music star looks like a boyband twink but sounds like a middle-aged country singer!

A new country music star, Blaine Larsen, looks like a boyband twinky but sounds like a middle-aged country singer!

When he was being interviewed in-studio on CMT, he sounded like a boyband twink Then when they played his music video on CMT I thought it was a Milli Vanilli voice-over. He sounded like a middle-aged country music singer!!!

Canada and marriage equality!

Thanks to le-vrai-solitaire for this article: Religious fanatics invade Canada

Two days left for Fuji digital camera giveaway

Two days left! You may be the lucky winner today or tomorrow:

Blog pulse

Currently listening to: Radiohead/Pablo Honey
Mood: bouncy
Mood 3D color: dark blue with white lightning
Last thing I drunk: Diet coke
Last thing I ate: Green Tea ice-cream
Last trivial thing I wrote: THIS

Tsumani Relief: Buy/Sell stuff on eBay

You can buy/sell stuff on eBay with proceeds going to Tsunami Relief:

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Snack of the Week

Snack of the Week
Snack of the Week

History of the Snack of the Week

BSG continues to impress!

The new BSG continues to impress

Episode #3 beats SG-1 and Atlantis!

Read this: Huge TVs too expensing

Huge TVs too expensing

words of wisdom

401k ----> ruin your retirement yourself instead of letting others do it for you

UK digital camera auction for Tsunami relief

Friday, January 28, 2005

eBay news: Best Offer is now up and running!

eBay's new feature, "Best Offer" for fixed-price listings is now up and running! It looks like a clever feature so far!

same-gender stories are harder to write

Same-gender stories are harder to write. In opposite-gender stories, you can say "he" and "she" and the reader knows exactly which one of the two the writer is talking about. In same-gender stories, "he" or "she" is not enough to distinguish. Even the English language discriminates! ;-)

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Donating old digital cameras

One place to donate your old digital cameras is here:

Website of the Week

Monday, January 24, 2005

any one in the Gamma Alpha Mu frat house?

Any one in the Gamma Alpha Mu frat house?
If anyone is from Gamma Alpha Mu, please let me know :-)

eBay: Picture Show Penny sale

Just for Jan 25-27, Picture Show costs just 1c on eBay. Check their website for details!

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Further reading: interesting topic/website

Asian American Empowerment:

Wine recommendations everywhere; how about Toothpaste recommendations?

You know there are thousands of books, magazines and websites telling you which wine goes with each type of food and cuisine. But no website tells you what type of toothpaste compliments your food! Why is that? I think that's a very important matter that should be addressed by the experts!

I am at a loss here! Should I use a minty toothpaste after a steak? Should I use a natural toothpaste after pho? Should I use a whitening toothpaste after eating beets? Should i use an Extreme Cleaning toothpaste after garlic-based foods? Should I use a smooth soothing before bed? Should I use a strong peppermint toothatse in the morming to help me waek up? Someone please help me! :-)

Friday, January 21, 2005

Friday is SciFi orgy!

Orgy? Well what else do you call five hours of brand new SciFi shows on Friday! Without the commercials, it's just 3 hours 45 minutes so fire up the VCRs/DVRs/TiVos/recorders...

5 hours? Wow! What? Here's what:
  1. BattleStar Galactica
  2. Star Trek Enterprise (the lame duck one)
  3. Stargate Atlantis
  4. Stargate SG-1
  5. Andromeda (yes, the "Hercules in space" show)

sexy new eBay feature!

Coming next week: Best Offer feature on Fixed-Price listings allows buyers to make an offer on an item on fixed-price listings. This is definately an interesting feature :)

Queen sounds "fresh" even today!

I just saw the new Coke C2 TV commercial and they were using Queen's song from the 80s "I want to break free". Despite being 20+ years old the song was "fresh" enough for Coke to use it on such a hip product like C2.

eBay stock disaster!

poor eBay stock crashed 20 dollars after their results were announced. Maybe now they'll allow PayPal for "mature audiences" transactions, as that would definately increase their intake from PayPal fees/commissions :)

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Battlestar Galactica scores big in ratings!

Good news for SciFi fans :)

Editorial: Why Queer Eye is important

The common argument among quite a few gay men is that Queer Eye propagates the stereotype that gay men are all fashion experts, hair stylists, interior designers and effeminate/feminine. To a certain extend, it does.

However, the "stereotypical gay male" as portrayed by the Fab 5 of Queer Eye (and perceived by a lot of people) is a significant percentage of the gay male population. Queer Eye is doing something unique for those people. Why? Think about it: The "stereotypical gay male" is usually featured as a secondary character in TV/movies. For example, he is the broken hearted woman's best friend, or the hair stylist, or the interior designer, or trusty waiter or co-worker and on and on. In other cases, the "stereotypical gay male' is the victim of hate crimes or discrimination or abuse and on and on. What Queer Eye does is give people who identify with that stereotype a new, successful, and positive role model: The gay men in Queer Eye are not only the heroes of the show, they are also in control of the action. They are the ones who storm into people's lives and judge them. [A classic role reversal?].

That is why Queer Eye is important!

Music: Nelly and Tim McCraw

I thought I had seen it all but apparently not. There's a new song/music-video with Nelly featuring Tim McCraw! I guess the genre is country-hop, or hip-country, or hip-country-hop....

Protect the Bloggers

Bloggers all over the world are being harassed or even arrested. Even in France an annoyed mayor sent the local police to arrest a blogger. Apparently the national French Police stopped them before they arrested him. What? A French incident without someone raising the white flag and surrendering? :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Editorial: Arnold and gay rights

Believe or not, Arnold is probably one of the most influential people when it comes to gay rights/marriage/equality and the average person/voter. Thousands of activists and politicians can spend thousands of hours trying to educate the average dumbsumer/person/voter with speeches, TV ads, articles, essays, flyers, movies, web sites, etc, etc on gay rights/marriage/equality. But they usually fall on deaf ears especially with straight males, the most primitive of the species, who usually dismiss those things.

However, Arnold is someone the average straight male dumbsumer knows, respects and actually listens to. He is Arnold. He is the Terminator, he is the ultimate masculine muscle-freak who gets all the ladies. If Arnold supports gay marriage, they will listen and even vote accordingly.

People are not going to like this statement, but Arnold sitting on Jay Leno's couch saying "I have no problem with gay marriage" probably did more good in the ears of the average straight male dumbsumer than the thousands of politicians and activists.

Editorial: Underlying racism in "Not into" lines

Here at the Factor our editorials tackle some of the hottest issues around. This is the first of many editorials. The spit stops here!

Today's topic: Underlying racism in "Not into" lines. You've seen them in profiles, in personals, in blogs, on web sites, in newspapers. They are everywhere. And there is underlying racism behind those. Racism is a continuum, and while this may not be a severe case, it still is underlying racism. Why? Here's why:

The Proof
Keep in mind that human relations are a continuum. Let's start wtih a person who claims that he is not into people from "race X", but he is not a racist. So if that person is not a racist, he could or may have friends from "race X", which means that he may go to lunch/dinner with them, go to movies together, play sports, kiss them on birthdays, holidays and other assorted events, swim together, go shopping, hug them in times of trouble or times of joy, visit each other's homes, and on and on. It just happens that most of the above activities are also common dating activities. So if he has no problem with those activities as a friend, why would there be a problem with those activities within the context of a date? So now that we have that out of the way, how about sex? Well, we've already covered in this paragraph hugging, and kissing and being nude around each other [swimming], so sex is just around the corner. So if someone is indeed not a racist, and even claims they have friends from "race X", why would he/she go out of his way to mention that he is not into anyone from "race X"?

Footnote #1: "Race X" could be any race or a combination of races

words of wisdom

Honor is what people use to justify irrational, illogical or highly emotional actions, behaviors and decisions!

Monday, January 17, 2005

Tuesday is Pasta Pomodoro day (Tsunami relief)

10% of Tuesday's lunch/dinner at Pasta Pomodoro goes to Tsunami relief!
So go eat and help at the same time! Now it's the chance to have that expensive entree you've always dreamt about! Or have 2 desserts :-)

those of you who forgot to buy me a Xmas present....

Those of you who forgot to buy me a Xmas present, you can redeem yourselves by buying me this one:

words of wisdom

"reasonable minds can differ but i am right!"

Sunday, January 16, 2005

win a free Fuji digital camera from Fuji!

Link to free Fuji digital camera giveaway:

I believe you can enter the sweepstakes once per day!

The most expensive ones from that list:
* S5100 with a 10x optical zoom
* F450 small, pocketable, cute and trendy
* E550 all around usage but not pocketable

Which one did I chose? I'm not telling :)

bargain priced long zoom digital camera

The Olympus C725 is available for just $180 at reputable site It's a 3mp camera with an 8x optical zoom lens, 1.5" LCD, it uses the xD memory card (but prices have fallen significantly), and 4 AA batteries (or 2 CRV3s).

cold hearted biatch!

So I was trying to be nice and polite and I said "hello good morning etc" to one of my neighbors. But that cold-hearted snake biatch she totally ignored me as if I was invisible! So much for being nice to your neighbors! What a super skanky ass biatch!

Friday, January 14, 2005

who wants to go?

3 course meal at TGI Friday for $12.99 for a limited time only!
Oink! Oink! Probably 2000 calories or more :)

gearing up for Valentine's day

A number of stores have already loaded up on Valentine's day merchandise and consumables.
The best part (and probably the only useful thing that comes out of Valentine's day) is plenty of sales on chocolate items the day after Valentine's :-)

just about every TV show is making its way to DVD

I was browsing around Amazon and I noticed that just about every TV show is makig its way to DVD. From MiamiVice to Taxi to Murphy Brown to Kojak to MacGyver and the list goes on!

A number of them are reasonably priced, unlike SciFi and "premium" stuff that are almost $100 per season! That's just wrong :-) Way too expensive!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

coming attractions

Coming soon to this super boring blog:

Poem #4

Poem #4 is about love and it is titled "The Day Before You Came"

Poem #4
The day before you came
was two days before the day after you came
the sky was dark
the clouds were heavy
the ocean was gray
the trees were green
the trees were green
water was wet
the day before you came

Special Gift Package for GAMs!

This special gift package for GAMs includes:

Video On Demand is sooo cool!

Comcast recently rolled out Video On Demand!
It's such a cool feature, especially the free stuff :-)

It even has dozens of Anime, and Sundance movies such as "American Eunuch" which I will watch and review in this lovely blog! They miss some features such as a running counter and slow-mo, but that's ok for 1st generation...

They also have season 1 of L-Word and a few recent episodes of QueerAssFags, and since Showtime is free on Comcast until late February, woohooo !!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

80s flashback

One of the silliest songs of the 80s in the UK:

(some older browsers may have issues with that page)

Monday, January 10, 2005

eBay 1c gift listing fee two day sale

eBay listing fee special: for two days, gift listing fee is just 1c on eBay; check the website for details!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

words of wisdom

don't mistake activity for achievement :-)

a different kind of pancake!

this is a pancake.
a pancake lens :-)

digital camera specials

BattleStar Galactica coming up!

BottomStar Galactica is a must for all SciFi fans :-)

Saturday, January 08, 2005

product recommendation

here at the Factor, we rarely recommend a specific product.
And this is one of those rare times. We recommend Tom of Maine's mouthwash.
Why? Because it does not taste like a toxic antiseptic like the other brands too.
It has a very natural clean soothing after-taste.

Factor Rating: Strong Buy

Gmail invites available!

Ok, I finally thought of something to break writer's block.
Free Gmail invites available!
Also available, Fridae hearts :-)
Just ask and you shall receive :)

wrtter's block continues...

writer's block blog continues....

extended writer's block

This is the longest blog writer's block this blog has ever had!
Here at the Factor we cannot explain this drought.
If you, our loyal viewers, have any fun topic suggestions, let me know!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Do you know how to ...taste bread?

Tasting bread is not as simple as you may have thought

Poem #3

This one is about love! A lot symbolisms, metaphors, and mysticism in this poem. I hope it's not too hard to read ;-)

Poem #3
You had me at hello
I lost you at hello
you were so handsing
i was so fatsing
you were full of energy
i was full of synergy
you made me laugh
i made you cry
you made me cry
i made you laugh
we were happy together
we were unhappy together

s*x toy?

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

random factoid: strawberries

Question: How many seeds does the average strawberry have on the outside?

Answer: about 200 (according to FoodTV)

ToastMaster special: logorrhea

Welcome to today's ToastMaster Blog meeting.
Today's word is: Logorrhea.
Used in a sentence: "wow I got a bad case of logorrhea today! look at all these posts"

Bigos dish

Bigos per V, is a traditional polish hunter stew.

Microsoft makes a great bigos dish.
Microsoft makes a great BigOS dish, it's called Windows.

wow 3" LCD on a camera

Wow a Kodak camera with a big 3" LCD!

3" LCD! wow!

green tea tiramisu

i want i want!

flustar is so cool!

you can get a customized report on flu activity in your area by zipcode.
you can get the reports by email even at!

new Olympus digital cameras

I know this is not a digital camera blog, but who cares! There's some new Olympus digital cameras. The ones of most interest:

7mp 4x C7070 starts at 27mm
5mp 5x C5500

For the lastest news, :-)

Isn't she pretty?

Pippin apples

After I got a quasi recommendation on Pippin apples, I bought some from the store and tried them and ate them and digested them. In my old age, I had forgotten what Pippin apples were, so I thought it was a new variety (to me). But after I ate the 12th Pippin apple the memory of that taste came back to me!

Orange Bowl report

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

L-word reminder

Showtime Women is showing the L-word from the beginning starting this week. Air times vary every night. Check local listings or

Remember that Showtime has a free two month long (!!!) preview on some Comcast digital cable systems! All 10 or so Showtime channels :)

coffee lovers only!

Top 12 coffees of 2004:

Overall coffeereview is a nice website for coffee lovers :-)

BCS is a mess

This Bull Crap System needs to revised (aka thrown out the window).
But the people with the power to do have financial interests in it. So, will it ever change?

eBay special for virgin sellers!

first time sellers on eBay get 3 free listings and gallery upgrades!
Warning: eBay is highly addictive

rock paper scissors?

As if Spelling Bee and Hot dog eating contests were sports, Fox Sports is showing a Rock Paper Scissors championship!

What's next? Cherry pit spitting championships?

Monday, January 03, 2005

words of wisdom

Patience is a vulture that eats away the inner fountain of aggression nestled deep inside our cores

writer's block

once again, i'm having writer's block!
i have run out of things to post! any ideas?

sugar daddy? want some sugar?

digital camera deal

Pentax Optio S40 just $180 @
4mp 3x zoom 2 AA batteries SD/MMC card

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Geek Alert: CES 2005 starts soon

CES will get underway in Vegas.
More cool and geeky gadgets will be showcased and introduced!
More more more!
I want I want!

Sunday paper specials (tape delayed)

CircuitCity: some new $10 CDs: U2, Shania, Now #17, Ludacris
CircuitCity: $6 DVDs: Life of David Gale, Stern's Private Parts
CircuitCity: $27AR progscan DVD player
BestBuy: 19c 4x6 prints
BestBuy: free music CD of your choice with TurboTax Deluxe
BestBuy: $10 DVD: Hendrix @ Fillmore, Queen @ Wembley
Staples: $80AR(20ER) Creative labs 256MB Muvo TX FM mp3 player
Officemax: FAR crappy organizer with tax software purchase
Officemax: 50% off one DHL shipment (up to $10 value)
Officedepot: 25c bookcover blowout
Target: $15 barstool - ideal for various positions ;-)
Target: $100 mp3 SonicImpact player + 2 portable flat speakers
Sears: sexy Sony V1 digital camera $300 closeout
Sears: two types of Reebok running shoes: $30 per
Longs: 1/2 gallon milk $1.79; milk is good for the boners
Longs: FAR(3.49)!!! Dove styling aid
Longs: 99cAR(1.50) Degree or Dove anti-persp
Longs: FAR(4.79): Got 2B Glued styling aid
Longs: 99cAR(1.00) Q-Tips 300ct
Longs: FAR($10): GE computer accessories (keyboard, speakers, mouse)
Longs: 99c 2L Pepsi.*
Walgreens: lots of $1 items, including Snapple-a-day, 13oz Petroleum Jelly, Hershey's Milk shake (YUM YUM but 600+ calories!), 230 pack facial tissue (ideal for drama queens) (some require coupon)
Walgreens: 8oz Shasta soda 4 for $1 (25c per!)
Walgreens: 79c Iceland water 24oz with coupon
Walgreens: 3 chocolate candy eggs for $1 (OINK OINK!)
Walgreens: FAR($10) Diet aids
Walgreens: FAR($4) Dove shampoo/conditioner/styling
Walgreens: FAR(1.59) Ricola
Walgreens: FAR($4.50) OralB Cross-action
Walgreens: FAR (2.00) Rubbermaid brushes (kitchen, hand, nail, scourer, etc)
Walgreens: 99c 2L Pepsi.*
That's all folks!

I am drunk, and here's why...

Poem #2

A blog is not a blog without at least one poem per week :-)

The inspiration for this poem comes from an old Elton John song called "Sad songs say so much".

Poem #2
Sad songs
they so say much
sad songs they say
they say
so much
sad songs sad songs
they say
sooooooo much

Saturday, January 01, 2005

free tickets to any NHL hockey game you want!

free tix to any NHL hockey game you want!
I'll even pay your airfare/hotel/meals/etc to your favorite city!
this is a limited time offer :-)

new Blog Template

Thanks to a dear reader's recommendation, I have updated the template of the blog!

What do y'all think about this one? Suggestions/recommendations are welcome :-)

url names can be deceiving :)

Url names can be deceiving... The one below is -not- what you may think it is :)

Homoerotic Country music video?

Judge for yourself: Kenny Chesney / There goes my life

You can find it playing on CMT :-)

Themes: football player, locker room, emotional male

4 Gmail invites available!

4 Gmail invites available!
First Come First Served!

Favorite Video company!

Favorite Video Company


Free polls from

Fast Food Review

Fast Food Review: KFC Popcorn chicken combo $3.99 with coupon

Value: B
Taste: C+

Popcorn chicken sounds like a good idea, but they are too stingy on the chicken part :-)

Things you learn in Chat

"Inversion of traditional sexual power identities"

The first O'SneazyFactor Poll

Here at the Factor, we are having editing problems with this Poll. We apologize for the mess :-)

If you could have one of these, what would you choose?


Free polls from


I dreamt that I was 61yo lesbian who married a 40yo lesbian and we just had a baby!
What on earth does that mean? :-)

Words of wisdoM to start the new year

You MUST NOT, you must NEVER ever make absolute statements ;-)

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