Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bargains galore: Discover Get More program

Discover is offering a 5% cashback bonus on Get More purchases. For this quarter (until Sept 30), the Get More purchases include some big retailers such as Kohls, Staples, Linens and Things and a few more. These give you a 5% cashback reward! For more details and all the fineprint please check their website.

Also if you like to buy stuff from Barnes and Noble online, you get a 7% cashback if you use the Discover card referral link on the Discover card website. The 7% is on top of your regular cashback reward. That's not bad! I am not a big fan of Barnes & Noble but those who like to shop there, may find this a nice deal :-)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

What a shock! One of NSych is gay!

LOL. As if we didn't know. The biggest surprise is that they didn't all come out together as a group. Well, Justin Timberlake thinks he has a solo career so he will probably hold off until he stops selling any CDs/iTunes ;-)

OMG Lance Bass of N-Sync is gay!. So shocking! I would have never guessed ;-)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Chat abstinence continues...

But i'm very close to losing the extra few ounces that will get me a brand new eight hour block of chat time. Now where did I leave the Ben & Jerry's? :-)

Friday, July 21, 2006

Political Segment: Faux News, (un)Fair and (un)Balanced: An example

Sure, Faux News is fair and balanced. For sure! Take for example their fair & balanced show, Hannity & Colmes. They pair up a mild, meek and sedated liberal (Colmes) with a wild pitbull conservative (Hannity). So that guarantees a fair and balanced debate. Sure. Fair & balanced!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Chat abstinence continues...

Chat abstinence continues *__*

Sunday, July 16, 2006

SciFi unveils new projects, the new Stargates debut last Friday

The SciFi and Wrestling channel (SciFi) has unveiled a new slate of development projects.

It includes a new miniseries in space (Outpost), three new series (devil's advocate, witch doctor and Stoner), and three late-night type of shows. Thankfully none of them involves fake wrestling with oiled tanned steroid freaks :-)

Speaking of new, the new series "Eureka" debuts next Tuesday with a 2-hour episode. Meanwhile their broadband arm SciFi Pulse is showcasing two pilots before they are shown on TV.

And a quick review of the first new episodes of the Stargates. Finally I caught up with last season's episodes so I was able to watch the new episodes right after they aired. This includes mild spoilers, so if you haven't seen them, stop reading! This includes mild spoilers, so if you haven't seen them, stop reading! This includes mild spoilers, so if you haven't seen them, stop reading! This includes mild spoilers, so if you haven't seen them, stop reading! Stargate SG-1 (or Farscape SG-1 now) is becoming more "serious": The Ori seem to be a more dangerous enemy and definately not as campy and diva-like as the Gould. Stargate Atlantis has a lot of promise but I don't think it is delivering to its full potential given the setup of the ancient city and new galaxy. But I'm not complaining :-)

I think it was a good idea for SciFi to split the Stargates from Galactica. Two hours of Stargates is easier to "consume" than a triple-header. For hardcore SciFi fans they are wrapping other stuff around the Stargates so they can spend the whole night on SciFi. Next week they will be showing an encore of the 2-hour "Eureka" pilot, while the week after they will start the rebroadcast of the short-lived 2005 ABC remake of Kolchak the Nightstalker.

One liners!

Who said this? "The only ones who can offend me are the ones who know me"

Chat abstinence continues...

I have yet to lose one more pound (1lb) of weight, so I do not have any chat "allowance". So the chat abstinence continues... :-)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

vWayner turns 82 soon!

Happy Birthday!

And for those who enjoy giving birthday presents, has created a very nice visual shopping list

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Turn your coins into Amazon gift certificates!

You may remember Coinstar. They have those green machines in some grocery stores (eg Albertsons). You dump all your coins in them and you get a check for the whole amount minus an 8.9% fee.

Well, someone has a brain at Coinstar, because now you can choose to receive an Amazon gift certificate instead. And the good news is, they don't charge an 8.9% fee for Amazon certificates. Yes, it is completely free! No more rolling of pennies and nickles and dimes ;-)

Your own DVD audio commentary!

You think you know better than the director or stars of a DVD? Now you can create your own synchronized audio track at

Monday, July 10, 2006

What is this? 1,2,3,14

What is this? 1,2,3,14

You too can guess the answer if you are familar with popular music :-)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Police gay-bashes members of gay gym in New Mexico?

Even New Mexico, a state known for its friendly people, beautiful landscapes and open minded people has exhibited a distrubing case of the police essentially gay-bashing (!) patrons of a gay gym suspected of serving alcohol without a license. I hope Gov. Bill Richardson steps in here and makes sure this is investigated thoroughly and justice is served! The ACLU is already looking into this.

Raid at gay gym in New Mexico

Talking Smack!

When women or gay men make cutting remarks, they are bitchy...
When straight men make cutting remarks, they are talking smack!

Double standard? :-)

Shopping spree: 1c specials at Staples!

1c extreme specials at Staples!!! Includes 20pk Staples-branded pencils, manual pencil-crayon sharpeners and 2-pocket folders. 1c each!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Abel's Cable Stable! (it was a joke)

PBS's critically acclaimed "Digital Duo" occasionally has fake TV ads mainly to make a point in a creative fashion. In this case, to present the whole cable mess with A/V equipment.

Those of you looking for Abel's Cable Stable's url you will be disappointed! It doesn't exist :-(

Overhead at the Cafe

In this new segment we will be posting silly and outrageous comments overhead at various cafes.

Today's segment features a "straight guy":

Straight Guy: "I love going dancing at the gay clubs. Those f*ckers know how to dance! And the drinks are really strong!"

Religious segment: What would Jesus do?

What would Jesus do if he visited the headquarters of the Christian Coalition and the other charlatan tele-evangelists?

He would do exactly what he did 2000 years ago - turn the tables on them!

Shorts recommendation

Shorts as in movie/TV shorts, not shorts as in clothing :-)

Shorts are popular, partly because of the overall ADD status of the general population, partly because they can be nice quick hitters. So here at the Factor we have evaluated dozens of shorts and came up with the Top Three:

1. "Oedipe" (Oedipus): A french SciFi short (close to 30min). Gay theme
2. "Shirts and Skins": No, it is not what you think!
3. "Recruiting": Very clever. Gay theme.

Sitcom Moment

I asked the sale associate for a "body fat analyzer". She typed into the computer "bonified analyzer"! That was a classic sitcom moment, unfortunately there was no camera to record the event. I am really curious now to find out what a "bonified analyzer" is!

Shopping Segment: Kohl's Two-in-One

Kohl's is taking over as the new value frontier in clothing. Their two-in-one is a brilliant idea. For the price of one item ($20), you get a matching short-sleeve shirt and t-shirt. Great idea from Kohls!

Personal Segment: Connection between Chat and Weight Loss

I have found a correlation between chatting and weight loss. This is a master of the obvious derivation, but bear with me :)

I am a chat addict so when I get on chat, I can't get off easily (no pun intended!!!). So I end up spending many hours in chat, which burns maybe 5 calories per hour, while at the same time I am snacking on chat-snacks, which add calories to the mix, even if they are healthy snacks. Just about any activity other than chat burns a lot more calories.

So for every pound of weight I lose, I will be allocating myself a block of chat time. Once I use up that block of time, I would have to wait until I lose another pound of weight in order to get another block of chat time. It may sound a bit convoluted, but it seems to work :-)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Only on the Discovery Channel!

Thanks to "m" for the pointer! These are pictures from Discovery Channels documentary "Dirty Jobs".

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Kobayashi Before and After picture!

More Hot Dog!

The lightest contestant was 100lbs, the heaviest was 425lbs! WOW!

Hot dog eating competition

Do not try this at home!

4th of July crotch-rocket (animated GIF)

Link provided by "Bunuel"

Bumper sticker of the week

"Leave No Millionaire Behind"

Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy Interdependance Day!

While we celebrate Independence Day tomorrow, let's pause and celebrate Interdependance Day today. Everything and everyone are linked together after all, and things like that, so blah blah blah, let's protect the environment, blah blah blah, save the animals, blah blah blah, prevent animal and plant species from extinction, blah blah blah, lend a helping hand, blah blah blah, and send me Amazon gift cards :-) reaches 40K milestone!

Recently super-website and blog extra-ordinaire reached the milestone of 40K. Congratulations! :-)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Online auctions and payments news

eBay/PayPal managed to sneak in an announcement email on Sunday night about a revision in their policy. How sneaky is that! Let's just send it in the middle of the night right before a big holiday, so no one really reads it. Well done Sneaky-Snakes!

On another note Google seems to be getting closer to launching a competitor payment service to feeBay's PayPal. This is definately good news for us consumers since it will force them to compete which will offer lower prices for sellers and more protections for buyers (in theory). Wall Street Journay story, and a Forbes story, and a uick test by a blogger, and the actual Google Checkout site, and some debate

And a special bonus deal for using Google Checkout and Citi credit cards. One per account number!

Even more Google Checkout deals here!!!!!

Meanwhile more drama at eBay as an eBay employee was trash-talking about Google's new system on his blog, but apparently "higher forces" convinced him to pull it back. However, the post was saved on another website. Enjoy the dramaaaa!

Meanwhile Office Max had enough of the drama of dealing with mail-in rebates and is abandoning them!

TV breakout hit: Love Springs International on Lifetime

This is a quirky, dorky, adult-themed sit-comedie about a dating service in Beverly Hills. It features gay themes, as well as guest stars of gay interest, such as the stars of Will and Grace. It is on Lifetime late at night! Check local listings :)

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Litmus test for multitasking gene

Are you a natural born multitasker? There is a simple way to test for this gene:

Can you walk and chew gum at the same time? :-)

If yes, please let me know, so you can enroll in my Jedi School of Multitaskers. Tuition is a very reasonable, just 99c per millisecond of Jedi Multitasking training :)

I Want My Gay TV!

The Gay TV channels continue their attempts at new and original programming:

New plans for Logo and hereTV. Meanwhile Bravo chooses to launch an online broadband gay-interest channel called

MySpace is not just teens - or is George Takei a teen?

George Takei is the actor who played "Sulu" in the original Star Trek TV series and movies. And he is a gay!

New Pet Shop Boys music video with ...Little Britain

The new Pet Shop Boys music video of "I'm with stupid" has a surprise it in! It feautres the duo who created "Little Britain". They do not reprise their LB characters, instead they pretend to be ...PSB :-)

TV News: On Demand gets a boost

On Demand, a cable feature that makes perfect sense, yet it has been lingering in the shadows for years, is getting a boost these days as some high profile cable channels are using it to debut a TV series before it is broadcast. Showtime this to debut "Brotherhood", while USANetworks is using it to debut the popular and quirky "Monk".

Factor Rating: A

Diet and Chat!

Chat is the worse thing you can do if you are trying to lose weight, because you sit in front of the computer, burning zero calories, while at the same time you make trips to the refrigerator for "chat snacks" and "chat beverages".

Therefore, here at the factor, we have decided that no chat shall take place until we get under 400lbs in weight :-)

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