Sunday, June 25, 2006

Not All Hooligans are Soccer Fans!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Gwen story on Lifetime

Lifetime has just debut the made-for-TV movie about the life of Gwen A, a hate-crime victim in Northern California. They will repeat the movie a few more times in the next few days, so be sure to check your local listings. This is LGBTQII pride month after all :-)

Product recommendation: Tom of Maine mouthwash

All the big brand mouthwashes taste like Clorox or something else toxic. Even the new "vanilla less intense" Listerine still has the Clorox after-taste. Only one brand has passed the "O'Sneazy Factor Consumer Labs" high standards: The ones from Tom of Maine. These have a natural organic cleaning feel to them without the Clorox-feeling.

Factor Rating: Strong Buy

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Sweet story!

eBay joins the Blogging revolution!

Announced at eBay Live 2006, among other things (eBay express, crackdown on excessive S&H fees), is the availability of blogging for eBay users:

Monday, June 12, 2006

pseudo-philosophy segment

People who demand respect do not deserve it. Respect is earned!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I want my Gay TV!

Since Sunday is national couch potato day, here is one of many listings of gay or gay-themed TV shows:

Editorial: Time for a REAL Science Fiction TV channel

The SciFi channel is clearly failing the prime directive:
  • failure to develop and sustain multiple original series
  • Too many crappy B-movies
  • failure to procure any of the Star Trek series or movies
  • failure to procure classic and recent SciFi tv shows and movies
  • stupid reality tv shows
  • soap-opera reruns (Passions)
  • and now showing fake wrestling! (Gross!!!!)

    Since the SciFi channel is not getting it, it is time for some of the other players in the field to come up with a _REAL_ science fiction channel. There is plenty of content available to fill up three full time schedules, not just one. It just takes competent and willing executives to get it done! The management team of the SciFi channel is neither.

  • Saturday, June 10, 2006

    Stupid move: SciFi picks up Wrestling!

    The SciFi channel decided to show wrestling! Not Olympic Wrestling, but the fake stuff with loud muscle maries in tights. Fake is one thing, but science fiction???

    Factor rating: E

    Poll: Ann Coulter

    Is Ann Coulter:

    A) a mean, evil, ...Godless biatch
    B) funny and edgy comedienne
    C) "Move Over Joan Collins, I rule now"
    D) an attention-seeking political shockjock
    E) Calling it like she sees it
    F) A convervative version of Howard Stern
    G) fill in the blanks ........

    Friday, June 09, 2006

    Filler items to get Free shipping with Amazon

    This is a very very handy website for finding filler items so your order qualifies for free shipping:

    Factor rating: A+

    Cat chases BEAR (!) away

    Cat chases Bear(!) away!

    June is Gay Pride month

    Lots of gay pride parades and events around the country. But not just that, there are also plenty of gay-related happenings on TV:

  • PBS and NPR feature a lot of gay-themed documentaries throughout the month. Check local listings.
  • IFC and Sundance feature even more gay-themed movies
  • Logo has gay-themed programming 24x7
  • For details check local listings, and the gay tv guide at places like

  • Soccer: World Cup 2006

    With the soccer World Cup just underway, here at the Factor we can relate very well to soccer games. Just like my dates, they are 90 minutes and ...scoreless :-)

    Homophobia in Sports, yet...

    Homophobia in Sports, yet two of the most popular sports anthems are sung by a big flaming queer: Queen's "We are the champions" and "We will rock you", sang by famous homosexualist Freddie Mercury.

    Wednesday, June 07, 2006

    Gay Marriage Ban Fails in the Senate!

    Normally here at the Factor we avoid political topics, but today we will be offering comprehensive coverage of the gay marriage debate in the Senate.

    The Senate spent (wasted) the last three days debating a constitutional amentment to ban gay marriage. While the first sentence in the text was straightforward, the second sentence was so twisted that even the legal experts could not agree on its actual meaning. It could have potentially voided all current and future civil unions and domestic partnerships, and doomed gay marriage for ever.

    The vote in the Senate was on cloture, not the amentment itself. 49 senators voted to proceed with the amentment, 48 voted against proceeding, and three (2 democrats and 1 republican) did not vote. Assuming those three would have voted as expected, the vote would have been 50-50. A couple of the senators who voted "yes" were actually against the ban, so they claim their "yes" vote was just procedural. (spin, spin?)

    The last time this was before the Senate it failed with 48 in favor, 50 against and two not voting (Kerry and Edwards were busy campaigning at the time). Assuming those two would have voted against, this would have been 48 for, 52 against.

    At first it looks like the supporters of banning gay marriage gained one vote. However, when you dig into the voting records at and compare the 2004 and 2006 votes, you discover that is not the case:

    1) The Republicans gained more seats in the Senate after the 2004 elections. When those are factored in, the "Yes" block got five new "yes" votes in 2006 from the new Senators whose predecessors voted "no" in 2004. Also one "yes" vote in 2004 (a republican) was converted to a "No" in 2006 (new Demo senator Barack Obama in IL). So the "Yes" group gained a net of +4 because of the new senators coming in 2005, not because Senators changed their mind.

    2) But this is the most important point: The "Yes" block lost two votes from 2004: Two republicans who voted "yes" in 2004, switched to "no" in 2006. The two switchers are very important to gay marriage: The powerful chair of the Judiciary Cmte Arlen Specter, and Gregg of New Hampshire who was pleasantly surprised by the smoothness of gay marriage in MA and the non-ramifications for New England (and his state) so he changed his mind. After all most of the New England Republicans voted against this, with Chaffee (RI) even supporting gay marriage (!).

    3) Hagel who voted "yes" in 2004 did not vote in 2006 (he was travelling), so the "Yes" block lost another one of its 2004 "yes" votes, bringing the total to a net gain of +1. So they went from 48 to 49...

    What is more important is point #2 above. From the group of Senators who voted both in 2004 and 2006, the "Yes" group lost two votes. This is great for Marriage Equality! But the debate is far from over: Next, the House is supposed to debate this next month (July-ish).

    The O'Sneazy Factor would like to thank the following Senators for strongly supporting marriage equality on the Senate floor during the debate: Kennedy, Feingold, Boxer, Dayton, Durbin and Lautenburg.

    A number of the other democrats were against the amendment but only supported marriage between a man and a woman. Some of them were probably worried about re-election, some may actually believe that...

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