Saturday, May 27, 2006

Some interesting websites (really!)

Featured on PBS's critically-acclaimed Digital Duo ("We are two digital people in an analog world"):

You Tube
jiwire - search for WiFi (incl FREE)

Party Time!

A LAN party that is :-)

Find a Free WiFi spot in your area!

Did I mention FREE? :-)

Friday, May 26, 2006

I want my Sprint class action settlement!

Here at the Factor we do not take these things lightly. Here at the Factor, the spin stops here at the Factor. We o'really mean that!

If you are a former or current Sprint wireless customer, you may qualify

And if you do, please don't forget to send me a thank you gift for letting you know about it ;-)

As seen on TV: Wing!

Wing, the new music star featured on South Park

Monday, May 15, 2006

Website of the Day

Automatically generate complaint letters

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Movie Mini-Reviews

In this edition, the Factor is reviewing two french movies: La Cage Aux Folles I and II.

For those not familiar, the movie Birdcage starting Robin Williams, Nathan Lane and Ally McBeal was a US version of La Cage Aux Folles.

There are 20+ year old movies, so don't expect many bonus features on the DVDs.

If you've already seen the Birdcage, you will notice many similarities between that and I. The sequel is a totally different story, but with the same couple.

Factor Rating
  • La Cage Aux Folles I: B+
  • La Cage Aux Folles II: B-

  • Personal Segment

    Some men are handsome. I am footsome :-)

    Monday, May 08, 2006

    eBay special offer for Tuesday May 9

    eBay is having a one-day special offer: 10c auction-style and fixed-price listings for all day Tuesday May 9. Day is defined by Pacific Time. Go West! Go West!

    This can save you $$$ in eBay listing fees if you have expensive items or want a high starting price.

    Saturday, May 06, 2006

    Science segment: The Universe

    Just a few days ago PBS debut a brand new documentary about the universe. Yes, a 2006 documentary! Check your local listings as it will repeat a few more times on your local PBS stations. For more details,

    Thursday, May 04, 2006

    Exclusive preview of the new Star Trek XI movie!

    Here at the Factor we have been able to get a sneak preview of the new Star Trek movie!

    This is ___exclusive___!!!!

    Here is what happens: Young Kirk and Spock serve on Starship Oceanic on a scientific mission to a remote planet. While in orbit the starship has technical difficulties and crashes into the planet. The majority of the crew survives and ends up on an isolated island. Soon after the crash the survivors discover that they are not alone on the island. They discover polar bears, black smoke dragons and another strange group of people they call "Oders". They also run into the sole survivor of a Romulan science mission, her name is "Delenn" played by Mira Furlan. A few weeks later the survivors discover an underground facility, and after digging a bit deeper they discover the facility is part of an obscure Star Fleet program called "The Durman Initiative".

    I hope you enjoyed this exclusive preview of the new Star Trek movie :-)

    Wednesday, May 03, 2006

    SciFi News

  • The TV version of Star Wars is at least two years away
  • Rumor: Ben Affleck to star as the young James T. Kirk? Gross!
  • The original Starbuck openly critizes the new BSG at
  • Cancelled TV show "Threshold" makes its way to DVD

    Links to the stories are only available to Premium members of this blog ;-)

  • What is it about gay weddings and the dpreview forums?

    What is it about gay weddings and the dpreview forums? Every time someone posts something about gay weddings or gay-related, there is a lot of drama and it becomes a hot thread.

    Here is the latest example

    Tuesday, May 02, 2006

    Mexico the new party destination?

    Mexico may become the new destination for the "party and play crowd". Why?

    Here is why...

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