Saturday, April 30, 2005

Good news for Blogger Fans!

I have just created a digital camera/photography blog over at LiveJournal so you are not going to see a lot of digital camera stuff here! Well, you will see some, but not as many as before :-) So rejoice ;-)

Friday, April 29, 2005

Racism among the Gay *exposed* [Badlands is ...Bad!]

What people sitting on the outside looking in have known for years, now the whole world knows: Racism in the "Gay Areas" such as The Castro or WeHo. The "You are not white enough to be here" attitude is more prevelant than people are willing to admit and this event exposes it to the whole world. The "You are not white enough to be here" attitude in this case was justified by "You are a non-Badlands customer and should be discouraged from coming here". Nice going Les Natali!

Latest News:
The full HRC report can be downloaded in PDF right here

The SF Badlands website:

Some history on this issue:

The world famous Cafe Ophelia

Ben and Jerry's Everything Butt!

This thing has just about everything in it!
You never know what you are going to find out!

Factor Rating: Strong Buy

The New Dark Chocolate Twix!

Factor Rating: Strong Buy

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Dual Disc

Greedy artists trying to sell both a CD and a DVD version of their new albums have come to a reasonable compromise: A Dual Disc! One side is a CD, the other side is a DVD with possible DVD video features and possible enhanced 5.1 sound and such. More details at 11pm or at

Monday, April 25, 2005

Samsung Gone Wild!

Spotted by Mr Chang, showcased at a trade show in China:

Some of the crazy specs include a 15x (!) zoom lens (28-420mm EQ), 3.5" LCD (wow!)
And even more pictures at

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Winamp gone wild!

Winamp is now playing two songs at the same time!
Two separate panels each playing a song!
Winamp Gone WiLD!

(unless it's a ....feature)


Today I found out a handful of incomplete songs on my computer. These were downloads - aborted for whatever reason. They can be found in directories such as Windows/Incomplete or N*pster/Incomplete, or Temporary files/Incomplete.

(You guessed right: I am running out of things to write about)

Enough with the MILF spams already!

Why do I have to get multiple MILF spams everyday? Argggg!!!
For symmetry and balance, they should be sending me some DILF spams as well ;-)

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Do you like Big Ones? How about 12?

Big image-stabilized lenses on consumer digital cameras that is ~_~
While they are quite common in camcorders, they are a lot more difficult to implement in digital cameras. This brand new one from Canon is gonna be HOT! It's 12X zoom ratio!

Windows fine-tuning tip!

One of the bloatwarez MSFT installs with some of its software (Exploder or MSN Messenger) is a process called "loadqm.exe". Technical people cannot agree on what exactly this bloatware is doing while running, but they also agree that your system speeds up when you remove it from your startup routine. For more details, simply Google "loadqm".

Disclaimer: As with all tips, do your own research before following any tip you read or hear on the net!

Exclusive savings brought to you by the Factor!

Here at the Factor, the spin stops, and then starts again...

We have a great deal for you today!

This one is for AAA members. A $12 rebate after your first paid month at Netflix. More details at:

AAA also offers dining discounts as well as Barnes and noble online discounts:

And for those who think this is blog-vertising (you know who you are ~_~), these are great consumer-to-consumer deals :-)

Product of the week!

Internet entity 3ph3m is thinking very highly of this great value for money:

Coming Soon: Ice Cream review!

A crazy ice-cream from Ben & Jerry! The review may even have pictures!

Website of the week Award!

This week's award goes to the recently redesigned Mainly because they have great coffee products ^_^

Self-checkout lanes!

I just noticed at one of the Albertsons stores they have Self-Checkout lanes! I didn't try them because... I was in a hurry, but I noticed that all the people using them seemed lost and confused *_*. And then Albertsons employees were going to them to hand-hold them during the ...Self-checkout process *_*

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Money Saving Secret Revealed!

Ready to buy a Fixed Price book on eBay? Hold on!
A lot of the booksellers who sell books on eBay also list the same books on
They usually sell them at the same price on both eBay and, but here's the money saving twist: forces everyone to charge a fixed $2.79 S&H on books. On eBay people can charge whatever they want for S&H, and it's not uncommon to see $5, $6 $7 or even more to ship a book with USPS Media Mail! So right there, you saved a few bucks per book ^_^

You can thank me later ;-)

Do you still want to pay by check?

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Website of the week:

Website of the week:

That site is wacky ^_^
It celebrates the Year of the Rooster in many ...creative ways!
Also of interest to U2 and Mariah big-bootay Carey fans!

Conversion Fantasies!

No it's not what you think... It's something entirely different...

Conversion Fantasies (of non-religious scientists to religion) seem to be a big thing among religious fanatics. The latest case in point? The new NBC mini-series "Revelation".

I wonder what they get as a bonus for such a prestigious conversion. Surely not just a toaster? ^_^

Thursday, April 14, 2005

How about this for a Camera Phone?

Do you feel proud of your 2 megapixel camera phone?
Just don't sit next to someone with this 7 smegmapixel camera phone from Samsung!
- If you have "pixel envy" or "size issues" ^_^

More details at dpreview:

Chocolate Lovers only!

Brand Spanking New! Twix with Dark Chocolate! Yum Yum! 25c per with coupon at Walgreens this week ^_^
Pictures coming soon!

DSL overtakes Dialup!

I was just reading on Yahoo (I forgot the url) - Broadband now has surpassed dialup in the US market! I should really get broadband then ^_^. Please send broadband donations via PayPal ^_^

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Music flashback!

Customary with blogs it is to mention what music you are currently listening to.
But instead of revealing the name of the CD that I am listening to, I will give you some hints:
The first one who guesses right wins a fabulous prize!

Coming soon from Nikon!

The rumors were completely un-unfounded! That would make it founded ;-)
Two new entry-level DSLRs have been confirmed yet again officially from Nikon. Sometime this month. Watch out for details at dpreview and the other digicam websites.

Why do I post this here? This is not a digicam blog!
This is not a digicam blog!
This is not a digicam blog!
This is not a digicam blog!
This is not a digicam blog!
This is not a digicam blog!

Friday, April 08, 2005

The Big O !

No, it's not what you think. O refers to :-)

The new and improved! It has significantly improved since the last time I was on their site (which was probably 3-4 years ago). Now they actually offer useful items! They also offer auctions which are similar to eBay auctions but - you guessed it - with lower fees.

Their digital camera prices are quite reasonable. Not only that but you can also find some models that are not available at most of the tradtional internet and retail merchants. As always before purchase do your price comparissons and check if they are brand-new-in-box -vs- factory reconditioned/refurb.

Monday, April 04, 2005

NASA finds Water on MARS!!!

NASA finds Water on MARS!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Desserts of the week!

Yahoo DSL promo at $19.95/mo

As always read the fineprint...

Are you a PHD? (motivational segment)

PHD ---> Poor Hungry Driven!

This is more of a state of mind, not necessarily of financial status.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Words of wisdom

There are no stupid questions.
Just stupid people!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Daylight Savings time Reminder!

Daylight Savings Time! This Sunday!
That's one hour you are never going to get ;-)

Blog milestone: 1000 Visitors!

1000 Visitors have visited this criminally vulgar blog since the counter was installed!
Thanks to all our lovely readers!
As a Thank you, free Gmail invites for everyone who wants them!!!!!

Sexy Naked Model (omg!)

Words of wisdom

"Don't throw something away unless you have a replacement"

Infinity+1 Gigabytes from Google Gmail!

They promise Infinity+1 Gigabytes at

But that was the April Fool's joke. What they are offering though is an extra gigabyte (2GB total now). More details at:

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