Monday, February 28, 2005

Words of wisdom

"There are no stupid questions! Just stupid people"

Personal Segment: Date with GAM (sort of)

In today's personal segment, we talk about last night's dream: The dream was a date with a GAM! Details and analysis are only available to the Premium Blog Subscribers :-)

eBay Motors Special: 50c max listing fee on Tuesday

eBay Motors Special: 50c max listing fee all day Tuesday (pacific time)
Does not apply to vehicle listings!

Future Aliens speak Mandarin?

Future Aliens speak Mandarin?

SciFi: Anonymous donors pledge $3 million to Save Enterprise!

Anonymous donors pledge $3 million to Save Enterprise!

Father's Daughter

An Interview With Maya Keyes, lesbian daughter of right-winger Alan Keyes

Sunday, February 27, 2005

and one more deal - free mp3 player from Comcast

Free MP3 player (CreativeLabs Muvo 128MB) with new Comcast Cable Internet service

Electronics specials at retail!

Updated with more

eBay reminder!

Sunday afternoon/night is a great time for 7-day listings! So sell your junks on eBay! :)

What is a gay bear?

A lot of people are confused on what exactly is a bear. This will hopefully shed some light!

A History of Bears! - very detailed

From the American Bear Magazine:
"...a sense of comfort with our natural masculinity and bodies that is not slavish to the vogues of male attractiveness that is so common in gay circles and the culture at large."

Definition of gay bear in the
Quote from
"These are broad definition as who or what makes a gay man a 'bear' or 'cub' is highly personal and quite charged; some say that bear is also a behavioural/social trait (cuddles, open, likes food, social, sexually open perhaps) as well as or instead of a purely physical phenomenom (ie. you are a bear if you say you are), some say it is just purely physical attraction to larger men who have body or facial hair and no common behaviour traits are implied."

JeffGlover's definition
Quoting from JeffGlover's:
"Many of these gay men (including blue-collar workers, rural folks, & average joes) didn't socialize or identify with other gay men, because they didn't fit the stereotype. They often knew they preferred men, but didn't think they were gay because of predominant gay stereotypes of what gay men are "supposed" to be like."


"You'll probably notice that they all have some kinda facial hair. Most bears like facial hair, and if they can grow a beard, will often sport a beard themselves. Other than that, about the only thing these bears have in common is every one of them are genuinely nice guys! Some of them are furry, some are heavy, some are tall, some are short... And you can call them all bears!"

Who is a Bear? (at
Quoting from the above:
"Some folks say that a guy is a bear because he looks like a bear (big and hairy). Others say it is a state of mind or attitude."


"But there is also room for a broader definition because bear groups are certainly NOT composed exclusively of guys of that physical description. Many guys who do not have all or even ONE of these characteristics"

PS> This may contain mature audiences material. If you are offended by such things, you probably shouldn't be reading this blog!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Tech: The Future of Linux

Linux for the Future?

SciFi News: B5:TMoS is dead :-(

I want my Gay TV! (coming soon!)

The first of a possible 3-4 Gay TV stations is coming soon! Details here

SciFi News: new DrWho coming to the US??

The SciFiDaily blog reports a rumor that NBC/SciFi/USANetworks may carry the brand new Dr Who along with the backlog of episodes.

Go Crazy buffet-style!

And here is a review

From that review: "Who goes there : Large families, large people"

The L word!

Get into the faux-world of faux-LA-Lesbians with Showtime's L-Word. Now available on OnDemand from the beginning. You will learn things like "the lesbian urge to merge", and "lesbian-identifying male".

brand new $6 CDs delivered to your door [legally!]

BMG Music Service, the mail order music club, has a new clever idea: Become a member of their and receive unlimited CDs for just $6 per CD, all expenses included. They charge you once a month for $6, so you can create a list of CDs you want and they'll mail out one per month. (Similar to the NetFlix list). You can also buy as many CDs as you want any time once a member, at the $6 price. More details at

99c Drunk cake on clearance @ Trader Joe!

Three of the remaining four varieties of "drunk cake" are on clearance at Trader Joe for just 99c each! This may vary from store to store. Unfortunately my favorite one (Tiramisu) had sold out a long time ago, but the other three varieties (amaretto, something citrus, and something else) have been there for quite a while. Don't eat this and drive!

Friday, February 25, 2005

Song of the week!

The prestigious award for song of the week goes to .... PrefabSprout and "Venus of the soup kitchen"

Digicam bargain du jour: $100 4mp 3x Epson L410

This bargain is available on Amazon but the seller is the NY-based reputable retailer Adorama. The Epson L410 is on sale for $100 (regular price around $200). It is a compact 4mp 3x optical zoom cam...

TLA du jour: JJE!

JJE: Judge, Jury & Executioner.

Used in a sentence: "OMG that is so JJE"

Thursday, February 24, 2005

BattleStar Galactica News (multiple links!)

Season 2 of BSG will start this SUMMER on SciFi with 20 episodes!

The official SciFi Press Release

SciFi is making the 1st episode ("33") available online for FREE, uncut, commercial-free!

Watch it right here, right now for FREE, along with 4 deleted scenes!

Comparing cancelled Star Trek and new BSG

Not news, but some may find this page interesting: The Original Galactica and Mormon influence

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Writer's block! Writer's block!

Page Intentionally Left Blank

You are a BEAR if you put this in your blog

"I refuse to be a manscaped clone"

Blog ratings are down but...

Blog ratings are down but the stats site has been having problems so it's not counting everything! Needless to say a new stats site will be added.

But from what was measured so far, the ratings are a miserable 15/25 *cry* *cry* *cry*

99c Skippy and more drugstore specials!

On Friday only, Longs is selling 18oz Skippy peanut butter for just 99c! [no coupon!]

Other great sales @ drugstores:
25c candy bars: Snickers, M&M or Milkyway [with coupon!] at Walgreens
29c candy bars: Hershey's and Reese's, Smores, PayDay, Take5 at RiteAid [no coupon!]

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Odor aversion Queens?

Read this:

Personal Ads on your cable box!!

Personal Ads on your cable with Dating on Demand!
If your cable box has the On Demand feature (for example Comcast digital cable), they added PERSONAL ADs (!) under Lifestyle. Various dorks and dorkettes recording their video personals ad! It is quite entertaining :-) They even have a Gay & Lesbian section, but only men have posted video ads so far.

They also have a website:

The funniest ones are listed under "Viewer favorites"!

Monday, February 21, 2005

Food mini review: Hershey's Toffee & Hazelnut Swoops

Food mini-review: Hershey's Toffee & Hazelnut Swoops

So far they are my favorite Swoops from this line of Hershey's desserts.

Mini Review Ends.

TLA du jour: BTN

BTN -> Better Than Nothing

Can you figure this out?

"The following statement is false"
"The previous statement is true"

As seen on Andromeda...

The winner gets a fabulous Gmail invite and a Nutella coupon ;-)

Internet Axiom (Read on)

"Making sense on the Internet is strictly optional"

75c off Nutella coupon in Sunday paper!

Before you recycle your Sunday papers, make sure you save the 75c off Nutella coupon!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

most successful TV shows are like fast food

quick to eat, quick to digest...

A search engine for Blogs! is a search engine that specializes in Blog content! So Google away the Blogs with ....Technorati ;-)

This is NOT a digital camera blog!

This is NOT a digital camera blog!
This is NOT a digital camera blog!
This is NOT a digital camera blog!
This is NOT a digital camera blog!
This is NOT a digital camera blog!
This is NOT a digital camera blog!

In denial?

For rebate/bargain hunters: Super digital camera bargain for Stylus 300 @ Amazon

This offer is best suited for rebate/coupon/bargain hunters. Others have described this offer as "maa faan" [cantonese]

If you buy the Olympus Stylus 300 from Amazon RIGHT NOW, you get:
  1. sale price of $180
  2. If you apply and qualify for a brand new Amazon Visa credit card during the checkout process, you get a $30 bonus discount from the Amazon Visa, which brings the price down to $150.
  3. If you use the Amazon Visa in step #2, you also get a 3% credit card reward and 0% APR - if you qualify
  4. Then there is a $30 Amazon-only mail-in-rebate, bringing the price down to $120AR and credit-card bonus
  5. FREE 32MB xD card or $15 discount towards other xD cards (although proprietory their prices have fallen down)
  6. Free shipping!
  7. No Sales Tax (unless you reside in Amazon states (eg WA))
  8. If you have the A9 discount, you get 1.57% off the sale price of $180. That knocks almost $3 off. Hey, that's a pint of Ben&Jerry!
  9. If you have any Amazon promo codes or gift certificates you can use them to trim down the price even further
  10. This camera sells for about $200 + shipping + possible_Tax at other reputable internet stores!
Granted, the Olympus Stylus 300 is a relatively "old" model (more than 1 year old!), but it is still current and it's still a nice splashproof carry-around camera!

You can read two reviews about this camera here:
and links to even more reviews and spec-sheets here:

The lovely splashproof Olympus Stylus 300

eBay reminder

*eBay reminder* Sunday night is one of the best times to post 7-day auction listings!

Personal Segment: I am not Bisexual!

I am not Bisexual!!!

My interest in men is like the fire of a volcano eruption.
My interest in women is like the fire of a match.

Is that bisexual?
You be the judge ;-)

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Soccer reminds me of my dates...

Soccer reminds me of my dates: 90 minutes and ...scoreless...

Ice-cream talk

Currently eating: Ben & Jerry Caramel Sutra!

Factor Rating: B
Recommendation: Buy

Chocolate lovers read this!

This brand of chocolate was highly recommended. It is available at Whole Foods, Wild Oats and such...

No, they don't use endangered species to make the chocolates :-)
They just use their pictures on the wrappers :)

Endangered Species chocolate

new from Sony!

OMG my blog is turning into a Digital Camera Blog!!! HELP!!! Please send me suggestions for other topics. But until then:

New cuties from Sony! Details at

As seen in other blogs: NYC Veggie restaurant reviews

I was browsing other blogs, and I noticed this post: A comprehensive review of NYC veggie restaurants:

Bargains alert: $50 gift card

$50 gift card with new Citi credit card

Plus enrollment in their great rewards program that gives you 5% on groceries, gas and drugstores, and 1% on everything else...

Friday, February 18, 2005

How about free stock trades?

Thanks to Gatdak for the url! Ameritrade has launched a new service called that offers 20 free trades per month (!), very low commissions etc etc. To see if you are interested or qualify, visit their minimalist-style website:

But it's still Ameritrade! Who can forget "Stuart" making copies of his ugly face? :)

HP and BMW? Wow!

A BMW co-branded HP digital camera!

More details at

Another useless stat: 20% of internet users have cameraphones

File this one under yet another useless statistic: 20% of internet users have cameraphones!

Want a sexy trendy bijou camera?

Want a sexy trendy bijou camera?

Want a sexy trendy bijou camera?">

eBay: great feedback tool

Too lazy to go through someone's long feedback list to find those precious negatives/neutrals? Why waste time when you can use this lovely tool from Toolhaus that filters the negatives and neutrals?

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Shopping News: 1.57% off Amazon!

In case you haven't heard, you can get 1.57% off Amazon prices if you use Amazon's search engine. Why the bizarre 1.57% number? It's PI/2 :-)

For more details on how to qualify for this discount, visit A9 or Amazon.. It's rather easy :-)

Galactica gets 20 for season 2 - starts fall 2005!

More Battlestar Galactica please! Season 2 will be 20 episodes long (W0000h00000), will start filming in March and planned for the Fall 2005!!! Woohooo!
Syfyportal: 20-episode Season 2

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Star Trek Wars: JMS boldly goes or does he?

Enboldened by a poll that showed 48% of 18,000 voting Star Trek fans want JMS to take over Star Trek, JMS called Star Trek fans to arms to help him pitch his new idea for a new five-year Star Trek story to Paramount. But the Call To Arms only lasted one day, as JMS changed his mind as he was [allegedly] offered another new TV series for 2006, and he was [allegedly] told that Paramount would give Star Trek a rest for 1-2 years.

Was JMS spinning? Was he using Star Trek to put pressure on the closing of the other TV deal? The Spin Stops Here! Even if you are JMS :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

It is official: NIKON is DRUNK!

Why is Nikon drunk? Who in their right mind would release a 4megapixel $3500 camera these days?
Nikon just did that!

Chocolate Day!

How about a Chocolate Bear? :-)

Choco bear 50% off :-)
Posted by Hello

Tuesday: National Chocolate Sales Day!

Following the insanity of V-Day, a lot of V-Day chocolate items are going to be put on sale and clearance in may many places. This is a great opportunity to get loads of CHOCOLATE at GREAT LOW PRICES.

I'm still eating my chocolate Santas :)

AARP GWM seeks 21yo GAM

This is the impression one may get after looking at the gallery pictures at Pacific Friends.
This is a complicated and controversial topic and will get a few editorials down the road. Until then, enjoy the gallery ;-)

Update article about the PQ:RQ phenomenon
Confessions of a RQ (on as well)

Coming soon in 2006: Roth 401k

Thanks to Gatdak for mentioning this, pretty soon (in 2006), a new creature will enter your retirement planning, the
Roth 401k

More on this later

Monday, February 14, 2005

Random Personal Factoid

Thanks to the 5c listing special on eBay I created dozens of semi-trivial to trivial auctions :-)
But who knows, one person's junk is another person's treasure.

And this concludes todays edition of the Personal Segment

Just remember, the Spit Stops Here!

eBay Treasure Hunt!

Win $1000 on eBay's free treasure hunt Feb16-23

Oooh, do I start to sound like an ad-bot/spam-bot? :-)

Alan Keyes daughter comes out!

Alan Keyes daughter comes out!
and, she has a blog [allegedly].

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Valentine's Day special on eBay: 5c Listing fee

Hold on to your listings til Monday! eBay is offering a flat 5c Listing fee for Auction-style listings all day on Monday (Valentine's day) (pacific time)! Just 5c! Now we can really list JUNK just for fun :-))

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Microsoft troubles?

Microsoft signs of trouble article at ABCNews

Friday, February 11, 2005

digital camera super bargain: $100!

digital camera super bargain: Epson PhotoPC L410 is on clearance sale for just $100 (usually $200+) at Amazon sold there by Adorama. However, the bargain is not available at You have to purchase it from them through Amazon. As always, super bargains are while supplies last! So RUN!!!!

meow cats!
Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Battlestar Galactica continues to impress Part II

Even more people watched last Friday's masterpiece BSG episode, reports

It is simply a work of art. A must see, even for those who do not watch TV :)

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

new Comcast OnScreen Guide is better

The new Comcast OnScreen Guide is better than what they had before. And now that stupid flipbar is now on for only 2 seconds and it's less ugly/offensive than before! An improvement for sure. Bravo Comcast! [for a change]!

Random Personal Factoid

Some of my Blog readers (thank you ad-bots), have asked me to include more personal information in this blog. So without further delay, here is a random personal factoid: I cannot // park !

Sugar Daddies please get me these!

New MUST HAVE digital cameras from Panasonic at

Monday, February 07, 2005

Digital Camera News: Four new sexy Fujis

More details at

FREE: cute digital photography buyers guide

FREE: cute digital photography buyers guide available at Staples next to their mail order catalogs and other take-home spams.

Sugar Cubes: The new gay dessert of choice

As seen on the last episode of Will & Grace, sugar cubes are the new gay dessert!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Philly cheesesteak -vs- New England Calm Chowder

The Super Bowl on Food TV is: Philly Cheesesteak -vs- New England Calm Chowder

heycutie HOT GAM

I can't believe I saw super mega hot heycutie at Fry's today!
He was so damn hot and sexy, I walked right into a pile of hard drives!
Two hot women buying their tax software were trying to flirt with him!
I offered to pay for everything he was buying, but then I saw that his basket was huge!
He had all sorts of expensive stuff in there, so I decided to offer to buy him a Pepsi instead!

The above story is ...fictional!

Coupon Special: Free Butterfinger in your Sunday paper!

No, they did not put a candy bar in your sunday paper. But there is a coupon for a FREE Butterfinger Crisp valued up to 75c. So dig into the coupon section of your Sunday paper and get a FREE candy car :-)

eBay news: 25c listing fee starts Monday!

Starting tonight at midnight, the eBay listing fee goes down, from 30c to 25c! Woohoo!

Cosmic Bear Dust Bunnies

That is the title of the new fantasy/sci-fi short story that I'm working on ;-)

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Donate your ....CPU cycles

You could donate your unused CPU cycles to this project

Writer's Block Writer's Block!

Writing blog entries is so much work! I am out of ideas right now. Please provide suggestions ;-)

I never thought I would say this

I never thought I would say this, but for a brief moment I hated coupons!!! Why?

Here's why: A customer in front of me at KFC was trying to use multiple coupons and for each coupon she was trying to change all the default options and question every single thing, and then she changed her mind a couple of times, and then it went on and on and on. Wow!

eBay: Auction payment methods

A table listing the various auction payment methods at

SciFi: Battlestar Galactica Marathon!

Tonight's BattleStar Galactica was another high quality episode. And those who missed any of the previous are in luck! The SciFi channel is going to air a 5-hour marathon of all the episodes so far on Tuesday! Check local listings! This Battlestar Galactica is not just a TV show, it's a work of art :-)

Dollars and Sense: PayPal now at 2.41%

The PayPal market rate has jumped to 2.41% APR, leap-frogging sexy ING Direct who is still at 2.35% APR.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

eBay Bonus: 250 Anything Points

If you sign up for eBay's Anything Points rewards program, you get 250 free points from eBay to get you started with. More details on the eBay/PayPal websites.

SciFi News: Galactica continues to impress!

Galactica continues to impress SciFi fans, and the TV ratings are a solid proof of that. This weeks episode had 3 million viewers and an 8% increase over last week. Even NBC is rumored to be interested in showing the series on reruns during the summer!

UPN cancels Star Trek Enterprise!

A sad day perhaps for Star Trek Enterprise fan(atics), as UPN will not bring it back next year. This will be the last season, with the season and series finale to air on May 13! reports the story
Berman reacts to cancellation
SciFi Daily Blog story
Save Enterprise Lament and Call to Arms

Blog ratings promising so far

The Blog ratings so far are a promising 21/52 daily average for the life of the blog!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Please use my picture on your coffee jars

Please use my picture on your coffee jars!

e-Shopping news: Amazon Prime!

Amazon is offering a new feature, an annual membership program called "Amazon Prime" that offers free 2-day shipping on most Amazon orders. For a $79 per year membership fee, you get free 2-day shipping on most of your Amazon orders, with no minimum order value! And can you can upgrade to overnight shipping for just $4 more. This is indeed an interesting proposition for those who frequently shop at Amazon and want fast shipping for less!

Digital camera news: new Nikon rebates!

New Nikon rebates on a handful of Nikon digital camera models.
More details on the Nikon special offers site, and the main Nikon site

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Yes, the man famous for that primal scream is among the candidates for DNC chair!

Free month of HBO for Comcast cable customers

Comcast cable customers can request 30 days of free HBO with no strings attached from Comcast. This unlocks HBO OnDemand content as well.

Word of the Week: Womanalia

Word of the Week: Womanalia
Learn what the word means by reading the poem: "Vag*na Envy":

Read more of Omo's Poetry and other works

Buffet of the week!

Buffet of the Week
and, 10% off if you are born the Year of the Rooster

Actor of the week

The Actor of the week is a secret. I will not reveal it to anyone!

eBay update: One day special on Wedn

Google posts stellar earnings!

Google posts stellar earnings, goes up 10% (+18) after-hours. Didn't I tell you to buy Google at 100? :-)

Tuesday is new music day!

Lots of new music releases this Tuesday, including Ray Charles, Tina Turner, Kylie M., Motley Crue, Unwritten Law, The Roots, Pat Metheny Group, Miles Davis, Johny Cash, Circle Jerks! (vinyl re-issue), Clannad, Joe Cocker, Cowboy Junkies, Bing Crosby, Nanci Griffith, DJ Linux (Go Penguins!), the homophobic hatorade Beenie Man, and more!

(Disclaimer: Some of them are collections, tributes, greatest hits or special re-issues, not necessarily brand new material).

What are Blogs?

Blogs are Reality TV on a budget :-)

Digital camera news: Canon switches to SD/MMC

Canon is finally (!) switching their very popular A-series cameras to SD/MMC memory cards instead of the bigger CompactFlash I/II/MD cards. Not only that, but they are making them smaller, adding a 4x optical zoom (instead of 3x) and drop from 4AA to 2AA batteries.

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